Friday, April 24, 2020

Williams Lake declares a State of Local Emergency (Flooding)

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake has declared a seven-day State of Local Emergency due to flooding and erosion in the River Valley.
Effective immediately, an evacuation order has been issued for 11 industrial properties on Frizzi Road and the River Valley Trail. All occupants of those properties are required to leave immediately, and access to the River Valley Trail has been closed until further notice.
Due to high stream flows, unstable slopes, road washouts and possible impacts to City infrastructure, it is considered unsafe to be in the area at this time. Flooding has also made at least two pedestrian/recreation bridges in the area impassable and has eroded the River Valley Trail near the Sewer Lagoons.
An evacuation alert has also been issued for the Green Acres Mobile Home Park. The mobile park’s 86 homes are not under imminent threat, but residents are advised to prepare for the possibility of having to leave at a moment’s notice. Residents should:
• Arrange a meeting place for themselves and their family • Write down important numbers • Pack a grab-and-go bag for one week including: clothes, medications, personal items, eyeglasses, credit cards and cash, important documents including photo ID, insurance documents, keepsakes, pet supplies (leashes, kennels, food), books and games and chargers for phones/electronics • Make arrangements for pets and livestock. Pets cannot be le locked in house or yard • Check on neighbours to ensure they are ready as well • If evacuated, do not shut off natural gas.
Emergency crews continue to assess the situation and extent of damages and will provide further updates as they arise. A geotechnical assessment is being conducted to determine what further mitigation will be required to stabilize slopes and remove debris from the existing lots.
To reach the Emergency Operations Centre, please call 250-392-2364 or 250-392-4321

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