Tuesday, April 21, 2020

WL Council Highlights - April 21st mtg

Present: Mayor Cobb and Councillors Bonnell, Brenner, Boehm, Nelson, Ryll and Smith

Meeting held electronically via Zoom 

Meeting Agenda Adopted and Minutes of the WL City Council meeting held on April 7th, 2020 were received/adopted

Delegations: None


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated April 9 and 16, 2020

2) Council approved the proposed 2020 Municipal Property Tax Rates and Bylaw No. 2327, being a Bylaw of the City of Williams Lake respecting Property Tax
Levies for the year ending December 31, 2020 was introduced and given 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings

3) Council authorized Staff to normalize the utility bill for the Stampeder Motel, located at 2 Lakeview Avenue, for the period of January 1 to February 29, 2020

4) Council awarded the Waterworks 2020 contract to Morben Construction Ltd. for a total construction tender amount of $144,210, excluding GST, for a total saddle project value of $279,210 with contingency and engineering

5) Council approved the direct award of contract to KDay Forestry in the undertaking of the Williams Lake FireSmart and Fuel Treatments Project

6) Council awarded the Contract for CCTV camera inspection and cleaning of approximately 20,000 metres of sanitary sewer mains to Northern Lights Technology Ltd. for the bid price of $81,900, including applicable taxes, with additional funding to be allocated from sewer prior year surplus.

7) Council endorsed, as amended (health), the proposed policy for the banning of persons from City-owned and managed facilities and lands

8) Discussion Items:

a) WLIB Media Release dated April 15, 2020 (Heritage Village)

Resolved - Council receive the media release for information

b) Report of the Manager of Planning/Development re: WLIB Cannabis Cultivation Facility

Resolved - That Council authorize the following:

i) Receive for information the report of the Manager of Planning/Development dated April 20th
ii) Seek public views on amending the City of Williams Lake OCP to permit the proposed WLIB Cannabis Cultivation Facility (beside Kal-Tire) to move forward
iii) Enter into discussions with the Williams Lake Indian Band in regards to the WLIB Cannabis Cultivation Facility and come to an revenue sharing agreement with WLIB with respect to their Cannabis Cultivation Facility

c) COVID-19 Community Update

The CAO updated Council and responded to questions from Council

Council held a round-table discussion on:

a) local government finance flexibility, as announced by the Province of BC on Thursday, April 16th
b) Cariboo Memorial Hospital is still open to the public for normal healthcare operations, despite #COVID-19

c) Operation of the local Tennis Court at Kiwanis Park
d) Fiscal Health of the City of Williams Lake
e) Flooded roads in the rural areas outside of Williams Lake/Mayor Cobb's participation in Cariboo RD's daily teleconference on flood watch in the Regional District's Electoral Areas...

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