Friday, May 1, 2020

Local Government Meetings - Wk of May 4-8

The following local governments of the Cariboo-Chilcotin are meeting next week, as follows:

Quesnel - Electronic public meetings to be held in the Fraser Room - Quesnel City Hall (4th Floor, 410 Kinchant St):

a) Financial Sustainability/Audit Committee - Tuesday, May 5th at 3:15pm.  On the Agenda:

* Finance Department - Quarterly Update
* Tax Stabilization Reserve

View the full Agenda here

b) City Council - Tuesday, May 5th at 6pm - On the Agenda:

* Cariboo RD Board Highlights of April 17th
* North Cariboo Seniors' Council - Monthly Update & Request for Funding
* 2020 Financial Plan and Tax Rates Bylaws
* DP2020-26 (Lots 1 & 4 Dragon Hill Road)
* City of Quesnel 2020 - 2022 Strategic Plan
* DP2020-28 (105 North Star Road)
* Terms of Reference amendment for Financial Sustainability and Audit Committee
* DVP2020-61 (568 Powell Road)
* Letters from Municipal Affairs & Housing - Unsuccessful Grant Applications - Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program
* City of Prince George - Union of BC Municipalities Resolution for Support - Sharing Payments from Opioid Class Action Lawsuit

View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake - Regular City Council electronic meeting on May 5th, 2020 at 6pm.  On the Agenda:

* Downtown Revitalization Tax Exemption Application - 1190201 BC Ltd. (Ridley Rentals Ltd.) - 665 Oliver Street

* Polls of Council -- Hospice Palliative Care Awareness Month" Proclamation; Use of City Logo on Non-Medical Mask Business Signage; Pavement Rehabilitation 2020 Tender Award

* Sewer Charges Dispute: 752 Pearkes Drive/Public Works Committee Rpt #01-2020
* Request for Reimbursement of Vehicle Repairs Due to Pothole - Public Works Committee Rpt #02-2020
* Joint Committee Terms of Reference Amendments & Council Appointments - Joint Committee Rpt #01-2020
* Bylaw Adoption -- 2020 Municipal Tax Rate Bylaw No. 2327, 2020

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District - Electronic Meetings to be held on May 8th, as noted below

a) Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District - 9:30am.  On the Agenda:

* Hospital Consent Calendar
* Report on Foundation Partnership Policy with respect to the Request made by the Cariboo Foundation Hospital Trust

* In-Camera Session - Section 90(1j - information prohibited from public disclosure) of the Community Charter

View the full Agenda here

b) Cariboo RD Board - 9:45am or adjournment of the CCRHD Board, whichever occurs first.  On the Agenda:

* Rezoning Application in Area 'F' (5082 South Likely Road)
* 2 NDIT Applications - Bouchie Lake/108 Mile
* Grant for Assistance Application – Tatlayoko Field Station Society (Area J)
* Amendment to the 2020 Lac La Hache Water Five-Year Financial Plan
* Consent Calendar
* A number of Bylaws for 3 Readings/Adoption including -- Cariboo Regional District Directors’ Remuneration and Expenses Bylaw No. 5259, 2020; Cariboo Regional District Water Rates Bylaw No. 5264, 2020; Cariboo Regional District Security Issuing (Deka Lake Fire) Bylaw No. 5267, 2020 and Cariboo Regional District Security Issuing (Barlow Creek Fire) Bylaw No. 5268, 2020

View the full Agenda here

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