Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Supporting Quesnel’s businesses

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Editor's Note -- Weekly Quesnel City Council column by Quesnel Mayor Bob Simpson.  He can be reached via email here

Today, the Premier will be announcing BC’s strategy to restart the provincial economy by enabling some relaxation of the current social distancing regime that has closed a number of local businesses and restricted retail activity. Council and City staff will be adjusting our local restrictions on access to parks, playgrounds, and sports amenities to align with the provincial strategy, and it’s our hope that as we start moving toward some more normalized behaviours and activities, residents of our region will make every effort to reinvigorate our local economy by maximizing their spending in our community.

Very early in this pandemic, a partnership was formed to, as much as possible, mitigate the negative impacts of social distancing on our local businesses. This partnership included the Downtown Business Association, West Quesnel Business Association, South Quesnel Business Association, Quesnel and District Chamber of Commerce, Community Futures North Cariboo, the District of Wells, and the City of Quesnel’s economic development team.

Two goals were established for this collaborative: first, to ensure that every eligible business gets every dollar they are entitled to under the federal and provincial COVID-relief programs that are being announced; and, second, to collaborate in a shop local program, both during the pandemic and afterward.

To achieve the first goal, a COVID-19 business hotline was established and staffed by the partnership’s member organizations (1-888-241-7714). As of last Friday, 62 businesses had called the hotline seeking some form of assistance. More importantly, member organization staff proactively and strategically called businesses directly, starting with those mandated to close or modify their operations by public health orders. As of last week, 359 calls have been made and a target has been set to reach out to every impacted small business in the region by mid-May.

Almost 80% of the businesses contacted to date have indicated they’ve seen their sales decrease by 30% or more since the social distancing restrictions have been in place, making it critically important that we all do our part to assist these businesses by shopping locally as much as possible, both now and as our economy begins to ramp back up. Our #InQuesnel campaign has been active for a number of weeks now and you can participate in this shop local campaign through the Love Quesnel Facebook page (click here)

As a Council, we’ll continue to support the business collaborative that was established at the outset of this pandemic and we’ll continue to seek more direct funding supports for our local businesses and for local and regional marketing of those businesses. We hope you will do your part to make sure our local businesses will survive this pandemic and will continue to play their critical role in making our community a great place to visit, live, and invest in.

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