Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Central Cariboo Joint Committee - Jun 24th mtg


Chair J. Ryll 

Directors S. Forseth, A. Delainey, M. LeBourdais; 
Councillors I. Bonnell and S. Boehm

Meeting called to order at 5:30pm

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on traditional Northern Shuswap territory

Special Meeting Resolution re: COVID-19/Public Access to the June 24th, 2020 Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting 

Resolved -- That no members of the public be permitted to physically attend the June 24th, 2020 meeting of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as per Ministerial Order M192 from the Provincial Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor-General (Hon. Mike Farnworth) dated June 17th, 2020, as the Cariboo Regional District is in the process of updating its re-opening plan and cannot, at this time, ensure the safety of staff, elected officials and members of the public in such circumstances

Openness, Transparency, Accessibility and Accountability, in respect of this meeting will be achieved by the open publishing of the minutes

Meeting agenda adopted and minutes of the Committee meeting held on May 27th, 2020 were received/adopted


1) Ken O’Brien & Jason Noble – Rotary Club of the Williams Lake Daybreak (via conference call) appeared before the Committee to discuss 2021 Stampede Parade Funding

A Question/Answer period ensued 

The Chair thanked the delegation for their time/information

Resolved -- That the letter from the Rotary Club of the Williams Lake Daybreak dated June 9, 2020, together with their original letter dated November 26, 2019, advising that the 2020 Stampede Parade event has been cancelled due to the COVID19 pandemic and requesting consideration of event funding for the 2021 event and future years, be received, referred to Staff for follow-up, based on the Committee's discussions and the matter return to the September Joint Committee meeting for further consideration


1) Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society's '2019 Annual Report'

The President & Executive Director of the Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Society were present, via teleconference

Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved -- That the Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society's '2019 Annual Report' be received for information

2) Esler Recreation Advisory Commission – 2020 Spring Meeting Minutes and Recommendations

A report from the CRD Manager of Community Services was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved - That it be recommended to the Regional Board:

That the agenda item summary from Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services, dated June 16, 2020, and attached minutes from the Esler Recreation Advisory Commission meeting held May 28, 2020, be received; 

and further, that the following recommendations from the Commission be endorsed: 

a) that the proposed 2020 capital projects for Williams Lake Slo-Pitch League, Williams Lake Soccer Associations, and Williams Lake Minor Fastball League be approved, including: 

Williams Lake Slo-Pitch League’s refinish of the infields and fencing upgrade, Williams Lake Soccer Associations’ purchase of a tow-mower and more field top dressing, and Williams Lake Minor Fastball League’s purchase of a storage container for equipment. And further, that $5,000 to each group for approved capital projects be provided as allocated in the Central Cariboo Recreation and Leisure Services (CCRLS) 2020 budget; and 

b) That the Esler Recreation Advisory Commission members for 2020 be appointed as follows: Linda Barbondy for the Williams Lake Slo-Pitch League, Brian Hansen for the Williams Lake Soccer Associations, Nick Surette for Williams Lake Minor Fastball, and Bruce Newbery and Pierre Mayette for the Esler Community Association. 

3) BC Games Society 2024/2026 Bid Opportunities - Verbal Update

A verbal report from the City Director of Community Services 
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the verbal report be received and the matter be referred  to the Regional Board for further discussion

Resolved - That the resolution authorizing up to $10,000 for the 2020 Williams Lake Stampede Parade with funding coming from Cariboo Strong - Central Cariboo allocation be rescinded

4) Action Page

Discussion ensued

Resolved - Action Page received and Items #9,10 be deleted from the Action Page

The Committee agreed to adjourn at 7pm

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