Friday, June 5, 2020

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of June 8-12, 2020

The following local governments of the Cariboo-Chilcotin are meeting next week:

Quesnel - Policy/Bylaw Review Committee, via electronic means, on Tuesday, June 9th at 9am.  On the Agenda:

* Staff Meeting Norms
* Housing Initiatives Communications Work Plan

View the full Agenda here

School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - Committee Meetings as follows:

a) Policy Committee - Meeting on Tuesday, June 9th at 3pm. On the Agenda:

* Policy Review - Scholarships, Evergreen Certificate, Non-Resident Students, Communicating Student Learning, Health Promoting Schools
* Policy Repeals

View the full Agenda here

b) Finance Committee - Meeting on Tuesday, June 9th at 5pm.  On the Agenda:

* Update: Permission to dispose of surplus SD27 Properties
* COVID-19 Update
* Student Achievement
* Anti Racism
* 2020/21 Local Capital

View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake - Committee of the Whole session on Tuesday, June 9th at 6pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St) .  On the Agenda:

* Delegation: Jeff Pelley, RCMP Inspector/Detachment Commander regarding Monthly Police Commission Report
* Recreation Reopening Plan Presentation
* Parcel Tax Bylaws Interpretation Issue

View the full Agenda here

Cariboo Regional District - Meetings as noted below:

a) South Cariboo Joint Committee -- Meeting in the Lions Room, South Cariboo Recreation Centre (175B Wrangler Way, 100 Mile House) at 12pm on Monday, June 8th.  On the Agenda:

* Request from 100 Mile House Soccer Association to forgive payments in 2020 resulting from #COVID-19 Impacts to Soccer
* Request from the 100 Mile House Wranglers Hockey Club for Agreement Payment Deferral

View the full Agenda here

b) North Cariboo Rural Caucus -- Meeting via electronic means on Tuesday, June 9th at 3pm.  On the Agenda:

* Request for Financial Contribution towards Goldfish Control in Dragon Lake
* North Cariboo Services Not Currently Included in North Cariboo Recreation

View the full Agenda here

c) North Cariboo Joint Committee -- Meeting via electronic means on Tuesday, June 9th at 5:30pm.  On the Agenda:

* COVID-19 Framework for Reopening

View the full Agenda here

d) Policy Committee -- Meeting on Thursday, June 11th at 1pm in the CRD Boardroom.  On the Agenda:

* Further Revisions to Grants for Assistance Policy
* Review of Director Remuneration Bylaw
* Review of CAO Evaluation Form
* Amendment to Workplace Bullying, Harassment and Violence Policy - Directors

View the full Agenda here

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