Wednesday, June 10, 2020

You’ve Got Talent: New Hiring Guide For the Changing Labour Market

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake Hiring Initiative has released a new hiring guide– You’ve Got Talent – offering employers insightful tips on how to tap into the evolving labour market.
The resource, based on more than 50 interviews from local employers, community information sessions and a coinciding Cariboo Labour Market study, offers a hard look at how employment practices need to change in order to recruit and retain skilled workers. Although written for Cariboo employers, the guide is relevant to any business owner in rural British Columbia.
“As we move through the next phase of COVID-19 and getting people back to work, many families and individuals around the province are facing economic uncertainty,” said the Hon. Shane Simpson, BC's Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. “Like other Interior communities, the local labour force in the City of Williams Lake has been affected by the downturn in the forestry sector and COVID-19. Williams Lake’s You’ve got Talent Hiring Guide is a great tool for regional employers to explore and develop new hiring strategies, address local labour market challenges and help get our economy back on track.”
Funded by the Government of Canada and Province of British Columbia, the guide highlights everything from hiring remote workers to applying for permits for foreign workers and providing the right mix of incentives – a combination of compensation, creative perks and flexible work arrangements – to attract the best candidates.
“Myths around things like work ethic, work schedules, and staff environments tend to hinder businesses in recruiting the labour force they need,” said Williams Lake’s Mayor Walt Cobb.  “Our City is open for business. We have the jobs, affordable housing, and an outdoor lifestyle. But in order to attract the skilled workers we need, we have to start doing things differently. This resource is full of useful tips on how little shifts can make a big difference.”
The Hiring Initiative will host an information session for employers on June 11, called “Tailgate Talks.” Speakers will highlight the local labour market demand, as well as the available opportunities in education, healthcare, tourism and local business. The event is limited to 30 registrations, but is also available virtually via Facebook Live or live stream on
Free copies of “You’ve Got Talent” are available for download on the City of Williams Lake website or can be picked up at Community Futures of the Cariboo Chilcotin, Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Williams Lake office, and City Hall.

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