Friday, June 26, 2020

Province supports emergency preparedness in communities

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

Editor's Note -- Congratulations to the District of 100 Mile House for receiving $18,440 for Emergency Support Services funding and City of Williams Lake for receiving $9,543 for Emergency Support Services capacity building & $23,500 for Emergency Operations Centre efficiency upgrades

TNG also received $110,887 for a Regional Emergency Operations Centre equipment project. As well, Williams Lake First Nations has received $25,000 for their Emergency, pandemic kits and information initiative

More than 100 local governments and First Nations communities have been approved to receive their share of $4.2 million in provincial emergency preparedness funding.

This funding is part of the nearly $69.5-million Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (CEPF), designed to help communities prepare for, and respond to, disasters.

This investment through the CEPF will support emergency support services (ESS), which provide short-term, essential supports to British Columbians impacted by disasters. It will also support emergency operations centres (EOC), equipment and emergency training at the community level.  

“I’m pleased to see so much interest from communities across B.C. in improving ESS and increasing the capacity of their EOCs,” said the Hon. Mike Farnworth, BC's Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General. “In B.C., local and First Nations governments lead the initial response to emergencies and disasters in their communities, and this funding will help give them the tools necessary to make sure everyone in B.C. impacted by an emergency is looked after and kept as safe as possible.”

The Province is investing more than $2.3 million in communities for the current ESS funding stream. This is in addition to a $1.9-million investment in locally run EOCs. An additional $600,000 is approved in principle, pending further information from communities. Since the September 2017 Budget Update, communities and governments throughout the province have received more than $48 million through the CEPF.

“I know how critical it is to be prepared for any possible emergency scenario,” said Jennifer Rice, Parliamentary Secretary for Emergency Preparedness. “When it comes to emergencies in B.C., it’s not a matter of if one will happen, but when. This funding is another step we’re taking as a government to help communities be ready for when disaster strikes.”

The CEPF is a suite of programs designed to enhance the resiliency of local and regional governments, First Nations communities and their residents. The Province provides the funding, which is administered by the Union of British Columbia Municipalities and is divided into seven streams:

  • Flood risk assessment, flood mapping and flood mitigation planning
  • Emergency support services
  • Emergency operations centres and training
  • Structural flood mitigation
  • Evacuation routes
  • Indigenous cultural safety and cultural humility training
  • Volunteer and composite fire departments equipment and training

Emergency Management BC has been working to modernize the ESS program and has transitioned to a digital platform for delivering supports to evacuees impacted by floods and fires. After a successful pilot program in 2019, and after being used in real-life scenarios, such as the recent flood evacuations near Williams Lake and in the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, the evacuee registration and assistance tool has been launched provincewide.

The evacuee registration and assistance tool allows evacuees to self-register online rather than in person at a reception centre. This ensures timely supports and enables evacuees to maintain a safe physical distance during COVID-19, helping to protect them, as well as volunteers, communities and ESS partner agencies.

Learn More:

For a backgrounder on the CEPF program, with the local and First Nations governments receiving funding and the values of their projects, visit:

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