Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Quesnel Council Highlights - June 2nd mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program – 2019 Report

The 2019 City of Quesnel Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program Report (“CARIP”) is brought forward annually as a requirement of the B.C. Climate Action Charter.  The CARIP summarizes actions taken in 2019, and actions proposed for 2020, to reduce corporate and community-wide energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.   The CARIP also reports on progress the City of Quesnel has made towards achieving carbon neutrality.
The Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP) is a conditional grant program that typically provides funding to local governments that have signed the B.C. Climate Action Charter equal to 100 percent of the carbon taxes they pay directly to support local government operations. The program encourages investment in climate action.

Draft Climate Action Plan 2020

Council approved the draft 2020 Climate Action Plan (“Plan”) for the City of Quesnel.  The Plan contains action items for both the corporation and the community of Quesnel that, once finalized and implemented, will reduce emissions in our community.
Next steps for the draft Plan are:
  1. Research each corporate action in more detail with relevant city staff and management to determine when and how to mobilize each corporate action; and
  2. Engage stakeholders, the community and organizations before final decisions are made on the community climate action implementation plan for 2021.
Involvement from the community in the development of a final Climate Action Plan is essential for buy-in and increasing the chances of a successful outcome in seeking emissions reductions for the City of Quesnel, and for the corporation.
Weblinks to:
  1. Carbon Review Coordinator’s Report
  2. Draft 2020 Climate Action Plan

Gymnastics Facility & Gymnastics Reserve Update

Council received an update on the proposed addition of a new Gymnastics facility to the Arts and Recreation Centre. Council had previously allocated the balance of funds in the Gymnastics Reserve, $84,900, to explore the feasibility of and to advance the design for the project.  In 2016, the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee approved, in principle, adding the gymnastics function to the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Service.  Staff advised Council that the work completed to date included a Schematic Design and a Class D Cost Estimate. 
The next phase of work, funded from the Gymnastics Reserve will:
  • Advance the design to the completion of the Design Development stage.
  • Undertake a site survey and geotechnical testing
  • Complete an updated Quantity Survey

Temporary Liquor Licenses - Expanded Service Areas

Council approved City staff providing the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (“LCRB”) a pre-approval, effective till October 30, 2020, for businesses to temporarily expand their liquor service areas in our community.  The intent is to make it easier for businesses whom want to explore creating new licensed seating areas to work with the LCRB to do so during the Covid19 physical distancing requirements.  City staff will also review existing policies and develop guidelines with the intent of expediting and relieving restrictions on businesses attempting to expand their service areas while ensuring safety and accessibility requirements are not compromised.
Barkerville Brewery (“Brewery”) is in the process of making this type of an application to the LCRB.  Council approved a temporary additional encroachment of the Brewery’s patio service area into the City’s right-of-way, effective to October 30, 2020.

Next Meeting

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