Friday, June 12, 2020

Update on Renos to Quesnel Museum/Visitor Centre

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:


This week, the City of Quesnel issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to hire a General Contractor for the Quesnel Museum and Visitor Centre Renovation project.  The project is scheduled to begin in late summer and to be completed in time for the 2021 spring/summer season.  

Updates to the facility include a new front façade with an accessible and energy-efficient entrance, a redesigned layout to improve customer/visitor traffic flow and a new accessible indoor bathroom.  Within the workspace of the Museum, the renovation will include the reorganization and redesign of the gift shop, office, storage and archival areas. The project will also separate the ventilation systems for the building and the public bathrooms at the rear of the building and will also address drainage issues to reduce safety hazards in the winter.

The museum will remain closed for the 2020 season in order to prepare for the renovation. Museum staff will be cataloguing and storing thousands of artifacts as well as packing and storing display units, gift shop merchandise, office furniture, equipment, and files. The Visitor Centre is currently open, encouraging residents to explore the many recreation and tourism opportunities in our region. The Centre will be temporarily relocated in the Billy Barker Days office in Lebourdais Park once construction begins and will remain open throughout the construction period. 

The goal of this redesign is to ensure the facility continues to serve as a major tourist attraction, increasing the number of overnight stays in Quesnel, attracting tourist dollars and further economic stimulus for hotels, restaurants, and retail locations.

The $1.4 million project is funded from the City’s Capital Reinvestment Plan, Community Works Fund (Federal gas tax funds), and a $250,000 grant from the Northern Development Initiative Trust. 

View the RFP

Learn More about the Quesnel Museum and Visitor Centre Renovation

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