Tuesday, June 16, 2020

WL City Council Highlights - June 16th mtg

Present: Mayor Cobb & Councillors Boehm, Bonnell, Brenner, Nelson, Ryll and Smith

Meeting called to order at 6pm.

Traditional territory of Northern Shuswap was recognized 

Meeting Agenda adopted with 1 Late Item
Minutes of the previous meeting of Williams Lake City Council was received/adopted

Councillor C. Smith declared a conflict of interest on the next item and left Council Chambers


Brent Dafoe, Business Coordinator and Jordan Davis, Executive Director - Downtown Williams Lake BIA appeared before Council to discuss their Heritage Sign Project

A Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked the delegation for their time/information

Resolved -- That pursuant to the report of the Economic Development Officer dated June 10, 2020, Council receive the letter from the Downtown Williams Lake Business Improvement Association (DWLBIA) dated June 8, 2020, together with the new heritage sign samples, and approve the shared costs associated with the replacement of the Heritage Signs in the Downtown Williams Lake area, including in-kind contribution of staff time; and further, that Council approve $1,600, plus applicable taxes, from the 2020 municipal signs budget to be used for the replacement of heritage signs outside of the BIA area.

Councillor C. Smith returned to Council Chambers


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated May 27, June 4, 5, 8 and 11, 2020

2) Council approved the 2020/2021 Annual Operating Agreement with BC Transit and authorized the Mayor and Corporate Officer  to sign the agreement on behalf of the City of Williams Lake

Councillor C. Smith declared a conflict of interest on the next item and left Council Chambers

3) Council agreed to hold a 30-day online public survey to solicit public feedback on plans by the Williams Lake Indian Band/Sugar Cane Development Corporation to build a cannabis manufacturing facility on IR#6 next to Indigenous Bloom and that the survey questions attached to the report of the Corporate Engagment Officer be approved to solicit that feedback from the public and finally, a public meeting be tentatively scheduled following the close of the survey to gather more information

Councillor C. Smith returned to Council Chambers

4) Council approved renewal of the Waste and Recyclables Collection Contract for an additional 3-year term with a once only annual increase of 6.9 % as negotiated with Central Cariboo Disposal Services as per Section 3(c)(ii) of the current Contract

5) Council endorsed a recommendation from the Public Works Committee as follows:

That pursuant to Public Works Committee Report #03-2020, the letter from the Williams Lake Pickleball Club dated April 17, 2020 requesting additional conversions of the existing tennis court facilities located at Kiwanis Park for a more permanent pickleball use be received and staff be directed to continue with planned booking of the current facilities for use by the Pickleball Club and to prepare a report on options, costs and potential locations for a pickleball facility; and further, that the Williams Lake Pickleball Club be so advised.

6) Council endorsed a recommendation from the Public Works Committee, as follows:

That pursuant to Public Works Committee Report #04-2020, Staff be directed to bring forward a report on potential accessibility, building code and modernization upgrades to the City Hall Council Chambers for consideration as part of the 2021 budget process.

7) Council received the May 27th meeting minutes of the Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee

8) Late Item - Council authorized the Seniors' Activity Centre to use the City parking lot fronting the Centre for a bi-weekly outdoor coffee house for their members, to be held on Mondays and Thursdays from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM during July and August 2020

9) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as of June 16th, 2020

Members of Council & the Chief Administrative Officer provided verbal updates on their recent activities

Media Question Period - None

Council adjourned at 7:08pm

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