Wednesday, June 3, 2020

WL Council Highlights - June 2nd mtg

Present: Mayor Cobb & Councillors Bonnell, Boehm, Brenner, Nelson, Ryll and Smith (via teleconference)

Meeting called to order at 6pm

Meeting Agenda adopted, as amended
Minutes of the May 19th Council meeting were received/adopted


1) Maureen Straza, Accessibility Advisory Committee Chair appeared before Council to discuss a Access Awareness Day Grant Application

A Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked Ms. Straza for her time/information

Resolved -- That pursuant to the report of Maureen Straza, Accessibility Advisory Committee Chair and the Legislative Services Coordinator dated June 1, 2020, Council endorse an application by the City of Williams Lake on behalf of the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) to SPARC BC’s AccessAbility Grant program, funded through the federal Accessible Canada Social Development Partnership Program and the Provincial Accessibility Secretariat, for $500 toward an Access Awareness Day event to be held Summer 2020 to increase awareness of accessibility in our community and provide information and resources to residents.

2) Tim Rolph from the WL Stampede Association appeared before Council regarding a July 4th from 8-11am "Drive-through" Community Spirit Breakfast put on by Williams Lake Rotary

A Question/Answer ensued

Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked Mr. Rolph for her time/information

Resolved - That Council approve of the Breakfast and encourage the community to support this event


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated May 21 and 28, 2020

2) Council ratified an email poll authorizing direct award of the City Hall siding project to C&S Custom Exteriors at the quoted price of $69,342.53, excluding applicable taxes (with the City being the prime contractor and responsible for purchasing the new material and disposing of the old material at the additional cost not to exceed the $150,000 budget)

3) Council proclaim June 22 to July 4th 2020 as “Stampede Spirit” in the City of Williams Lake, pursuant to City policy, and that the community be encouraged to participate by showing support for the local Stampede culture

4) Council ratified an email poll authorizing the partial reopening of City Hall effective May 26, 2020, with appropriate health & safety, physical distancing and disinfecting measures in place, allowing for limited public access to the lower lobby and Council Chambers and that additional reopening of the facility be considered when direction of the Provincial Health Officer warrants it

5) Council gave 1st Reading to OCP and Zoning Amendment Bylaws #2333/2334, 2020 (600 Eleventh Avenue North/Grassland Equipment Ltd), that an OCP Public Consultation Meeting be set for Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 5:00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall to be hosted by the applicant and that notice of the OCP Public Consultation meeting be provided to the School District No. 27 Board pursuant to Section 475 of the Local Government Act.

6) Council agreed to pre-approve all liquor primary, food primary and manufacturer establishments within the City’s jurisdiction who may apply for an expanded service area, under the new Temporary Expanded Service Area Authorization application process issued by the Liquor Control and Regulation Branch

7) Council directed Staff to proceed with Technology upgrades to Council Chambers (new microphones, etc) as outlined in the report of the IT Coordinator dated May 28th, 2020

Councillor Smith declared a conflict of interest on the next item and left the meeting

8) Council approved up to $500 from the Council Contingency fund to sponsor a banner in recognition of the 2020 high school graduating class.

Councillor Smith returned to the meeting

9) Council agreed to support the Williams Lake BIA's grant application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) 'Fabulous Festivals and Events' program for up to $2,500 toward their 2020 Art Walk Grand Opening

10) Council approved the 2020 Reverse Graduation Parade on June 20th, 2020 at 6pm as outlined on the route provided

11) Late Item #1 - Council approved the request of Jonathan Deuling to operate his mobile BC Fruit Truck one day per week on the City-owned property located at 1660 Broadway Avenue South, for the period of June 17, 2020 to December 31, 2020

12) Late Item #2 - Council approved the request of Colleen Kielman and Jagdish Poonie to operate their mobile food truck (i.e. Fennel Cup) up to two days per
week on the City-owned property located at 90 Fourth Avenue North, effective for the 2020 and 2021 seasons, subject to tenant authorization

Councillor Smith declared a conflict of interest on the next 2 items and left the meeting

13) Council reported out on 2 In-Camera Resolutions, as follows:

a) That Council approve a 1 year term emergency planning archaeology coordinator position and recruitment proceed immediately

b) That Council commence with a land use public engagement strategy in relation to the Cannabis Cultivation facility on IR#6 to be constructed/operated by the Williams Lake Indian Band including distribution of a community survey and finally, a letter be forwarded to the Williams Lake Indian Band inviting them to participate in this land use public engagement process

Councillor Smith returned to the meeting

CAO MacDonald provided a COVID-19 Community Update to Council

Members of Council and the CAO provided verbal reports on their recent activities

Media Question Period - Mayor Cobb responded to questions

Council adjourned at 7:17pm and after a 5 minute break, Council then resumed its' recessed In-Camera Meeting

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