Meeting called to order at 6pm
Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the Council Meeting held June 16th, 2020 were received/adopted
Mayor Cobb acknowledged that the meeting was being held on traditional Northern Secwepemc (Shuswap) Territory
Delegations - None
1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque
and EFT listings dated June 15, 18, 23 and 25, 2020
2) After hearing from 1 member of the public (applicant Julian Morgan) Council
approved Development Variance Permit No. 02-2020 for property at 540 10th Avenue North
3) Council gave Official Community Plan Amendment
Bylaw No. 2333, 2020 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2334,
2020 2nd Reading for property at 600 Eleventh Avenue North (Grassland Equipment Ltd) and Public Hearings for both Bylaws will be scheduled upon
receipt of a Conditional Release from the BC Ministry of Environment
4) Council gave 1st/2nd Readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2335,
2020 (TK &
Sons Contracting Inc. (4330 Wilson Creek Fuel Inc.) for property at 1238 Broadway Avenue South (old Shell Gas Station property) and that a Public Hearing be scheduled, by email poll of Council, upon receipt of Ministry of Environment approval and a
traffic impact study
5) Council agreed to waive all
permit and application fees associated with the Sidewalk/Roadway
Extension Café permit until December 2020 to support local
businesses with reopening while meeting Provincial COVID-19
requirements; and that Council direct staff to not enforce Section
400 of the City of Williams Lake Zoning Bylaw No. 1825, 2002 for
local establishments under the LCRB Temporary Expanded Service
Area Authorization to expand into the business parking lot subject
to meeting the following criteria:
• the applicant received an authorization from the property
• the applicant is the sole business on the property
• the applicant receives a permit from Development Services to
temporarily expand into their parking lot
6) Council agreed to award the
Central North Cariboo Housing Capacity and Gap Analysis project
to City Spaces Consulting Ltd. for a total quoted project value of
$78,500, excluding GST
7) Council ratified an email poll to authorize temporary street closures for the intersection of Fifth
Avenue at Comer Street for the Grade 12 convocation ceremonies
taking place on June 18 and 19, 2020 to allow for traffic flow and
pedestrian safety as both students and parents/families enter and
exit these modified events being held over a larger space and time in
adherence with the current COVID-19 pandemic social distancing
8) Council authorized airport
hanger lease rates at the Williams Lake Regional Airport to the 2019
base rate of $1.86/m2 plus a CPI increase, calculated at end of year to be applied for the following year, compounding in subsequent years of
the lease agreement, and that the new base rate will be established
annually based on the formula for expiring leases
9) Council agreed in principal the proposed Airport Lease Agreement
#CWL2900 with Arduini Helicopters Ltd. with a term of 15 years
(starting May 1, 2021 with an option for two additional 5 year
renewals) and a lease rate of $2379.41 plus applicable taxes in the
first year with annual increases based on the BC Consumer Price
Index and that the required Notice of
Disposition be published in accordance with Section 26 (3) of the
Community Charter; and further, subsequent consideration of
approval of the Lease Agreement be referred to a future Council
10) Council agreed to refer the Cow Boss statue replacement project to the 2021 Budget Process
11) Late Item #1 - Council
approved the purchase of a 2020 one-ton regular cab 4X4 Pick-up
truck with mechanic’s service flat deck and tool storage truck from
Kal Tire Equipment Division for the purchase price of $85,682.50
including PST only
12) Late Item #2 - Council ratified an email poll authorizing the July 7, 2020 at 6pm Committee of Whole Council
Meeting be used for Council to attend a sweat hosted in Esk’emetc (Alkali Lake)
13) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as of June 30th, 2020
The Corporate Officer provided a COVID-19 Community Update including re-opening of the local Recreation Complex and signage to go up, at the City boundaries, asking visitors to maintain social distancing while visiting Williams Lake - in line with Phase 3 of BC's Restart Plan
Members of Council provided oral reports' on their recent activities...
Media Question Period - the Mayor responding to question (homeless camps, 2020 Paving of Roads to commence in August)
Council adjourned at 7:00pm
The magic words: pending environmental approval. WL Council now has its excuse for letting it drag on until the next election or until it’s flipped again, as it was in December 2019 for $300,000.
ReplyDeleteDespite City Hall’s spin reported in the local online media on Tuesday causing citizens to speculate about a national chain operating a restaurant at this location, nothing could be further from the truth. To quote from the application “The applicant is proposing to operate a drive-through restaurant on the subject property in addition to the convenience store and service station uses” sounds more like a mom-and-pop operation just like the new owner has in Sechelt, a whole lot different from the positive assumptions the City allowed to grow. As usual, City Hall and Council continue to jerk its citizens around with half-truths and speculation. And so, the games continue ….. as we wait …. and wait …. and wait …