Friday, July 3, 2020

Flood warnings remain in place for Cariboo region

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Despite a weather forecast calling for sunny summer weather and a break in the rain, the Cariboo Regional District is reminding residents flood warnings and watches remain in effect throughout the region and river levels may continue to rise.

Residents, seasonal property owners, and visitors to the region alike are advised to remain on alert for potential flooding impacts. It is especially important to exercise extreme caution around fast-moving water, potentially unstable riverbanks, and lake shorelines. Ongoing wet weather has also saturated the ground, increasing the risk of slippage or landslide for steep and/or deforested slopes, and localized flooding in low-lying areas.

Additionally, the BC River Forecast Centre is predicting another peak in river levels in the Cariboo Chilcotin after the weekend, with continuing warm weather and the return of precipitation at the start of the week combining to deliver increased spring runoff and rainfall. Visit for current streamflow conditions and flood forecast modelling information.

Residents are encouraged to prepare for potential flooding by protecting property and having sufficient food, water, and medications to shelter in place for at least 3 days, in the event roads or highways are closed due to flooding or landslide. Sand and sandbags are available for free at all CRD volunteer fire halls except for the West Fraser hall. Please observe physical distancing guidelines while filling sandbags

Residents and property owners in the Cariboo Regional District are asked to register for the Cariboo Chilcotin Emergency Notification System so they can receive a text, call or email regarding evacuation alerts and orders concerning their area:

For Cariboo Regional District information, please visit or or @CaribooRD on Twitter.

To report flooding or landslides call the CRD’s emergency information line at 1-866-759-4977

To report damaged or washed out roads in the North Cariboo please call EMCON at 1-866-353-3136. To report road conditions in the Central and South Cariboo please call Dawson Road Maintenance at 1-800-842-4122.

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