Monday, July 13, 2020

Highlights of the July 10th CCRHD/Cariboo RD Board Meetings

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board Highlights

For an online (HTML or PDF) version of the CCRHD board meeting agenda, including agenda item summaries and reports please visit: CCHRHD Board Agenda July 10, 2020

Capital Expenditure Bylaws

The Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board gave three readings and adopted a number of capital expenditure bylaws for the 2020/21 fiscal year. The board also received 5 items from the BC Health Authority, Northern Health, and Interior Health for its consent calendar and five funding requests from Northern Health. The full list of bylaws, items, and funding requests is available on the meeting agenda.

Information Updates

Hospital board chair Bob Simpson gave a verbal information update on the Interior Health regional hospital chair meeting and the BC Rural First Nations Health and Wellness Summit

Cariboo Regional District Board Highlights

For an online (HTML or PDF) version of the CRD board meeting agenda, including agenda item summaries and reports please visit: CRD Board Agenda July 10, 2020

Zoning Amendments

The CRD board gave first and second reading to Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 52 69 and 5270

Planning Bylaws Adopted

The CRD board gave third reading to five planning bylaws. Three were adopted. Two bylaw amendments concerning a rezoning application for an industrial business on 39 Mile Loop Road were defeated.

Area A – BL 5250

Area J – BL5251

Area G BL 5257 and 5258 (zoning amendment denied)

Area A – BL 5260

Development Variance Permit Approved

One Development Variance Permit Application was approved and a permit issued to vary the Williams Lake Fringe and 150 Mile House Area zoning bylaw 3502 for property on Jessalee Road in Wildwood, Electoral Area 'D'

Bylaw Enforcement Authorized

In other business, an agenda item summary and planning report regarding enforcement of the Williams Lake Fringe and 150 Mile House Area Zoning Bylaw No. 3502 was received and staff directed to take further action if the subject property owners do not come into compliance on or before July 31, 2020 for property at 880 Soda Creek Road in Electoral Area 'D'

COVID-19 Safety Plans and Protection Equipment

An agenda item summary and plans regarding COVID-19 safety at the Anahim Lake Airport, South Cariboo Regional Airport, and Kersley Recreation Complex were received and endorsed.

COVID-19 Protection at Recreation Centres

An agenda item summary with regard to utilizing Community Works Funds for the capital purchase of COVID-19 protection equipment at the South Cariboo Recreation Centre, the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex and the Quesnel and District Arts and Recreation Centre and Arenas, was received and funding authorized for equipment installation and upgrades necessary to support facility COVID-19 safety plans.

Renewal of Joint Use Agreement

An agenda item summary regarding a renewal of the Joint Use Agreement between School District 27, Thompson Rivers University, City of Williams Lake, District of 100 Mile House and the Cariboo Regional District, was received and referred to the Joint Committees for futher discussion.

Protective Services

An agenda item summary regarding letters of concern from various volunteer fire departments in relation to the CRD’s recent decision to cease funding of grants for assistance to independent volunteer fire departments, was received. A motion to provide grants for assistance previously authorized in the 2020 budget, subject to conditions, was defeated by a vote of 9-7


The Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and Mastercard Summary Report for the month of June 2020, were received and ratified.

An agenda item summary with attached request from the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 261 Forest Grove for a permissive tax exemption, was received and endorsed.

Board Reports and Correspondence

Two items were received to the consent calendar:

Committee of the Whole

A memorandum regarding the proposed establishment of a regional trails and parks service, was received and staff directed to engage the Wells, Quesnel, Williams Lake, and District of 100 Mile House Councils, and the public to gauge interest. Rural feasibility funding was authorized to research the model for this service.

A memorandum regarding floodplains and landslides in the Cariboo Regional District was received and staff directed to get a legal opinion to provide guidance to the Board regarding which circumstances require our actions in response to flooding and landslides and to standardize our regulatory requirements, taking into account areas with OCP's and other land use regulations.

A memorandum regarding recreational vehicles in the Cariboo Regional District was received. Staff was directed to research the status of RVs in other areas, report back, and begin the process to amend official community plans to ensure consistency with regard to Temporary Use Permits.

A recommendation by the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting regarding renewal for the Williams Lake Fringe Fire Protection agreement was received and endorsed.

Central Cariboo Joint Committee

Committee meeting minutes – June 24

A Central Cariboo Joint Committee recommendation to rescind the allocation of $10,000 of Cariboo Strong funding to produce the 2020 Williams Lake Stampede parade and retain the monies in the Cariboo Strong fund was endorsed.

Recommendations from the Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting regarding funding for 2020 capital projects for Williams Lake Slo-Pitch League, Williams Lake Soccer Associations, and Williams Lake Minor Fastball League were endorsed.

A recommendation by the Central Cariboo Joint Committee that the Esler Recreation Advisory Commission members for 2020 be appointed as follows: Linda Barbondy for the Williams Lake Slo-Pitch League, Brian Hansen for the Williams Lake Soccer Associations, Nick Surette for Williams Lake Minor Fastball, and Bruce Newbery and Pierre Mayette for the Esler Community Association; was endorsed.

Bylaws (1st, 2nd, 3rd readings)

Bouchie Lake Fire Protection Boundary Expansion Bylaw No. 5279 was given first, second, and third reading.

Cariboo Regional District Maple Drive Streetlighting Service Establishment Bylaw No. 5280 was given first, second, and third reading and the board approved utilization of the alternative approval process to gain the assent of electors with final details to be determined after approval of Inspector of Municipalities.

Bylaws (3 readings and adoption)

The Cariboo Regional District North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 5278 was read three times and adopted.


Directors’ Requests, Reports, and Appointments

A request from Director Delainey for the Board to join in the #DifferentTogether Pledge, was received and endorsed.


Chair/CAO Reports

Board Chair Margo Wagner’s report for the period up to and including July 8, 2020 was received.

Upcoming Meetings: 

CCRHD & CRD Meetings: Friday, August 21, 2020


See the full CCHRD and CRD agenda at

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