Monday, August 17, 2020

BC supports clean energy projects in central First Nations communities

 Courtesy of the Government of BC:

Six central First Nations communities are receiving $1.15 million for clean energy projects as part of a funding partnership between the Province of British Columbia, Government of Canada and New Relationship Trust.

“Through CleanBC, we are collaborating with New Relationship Trust and Western Economic Diversification Canada on the British Columbia Indigenous Clean Energy Initiative (BCICEI) to support First Nations-led clean energy and energy efficiency projects,” said the Hon. Bruce Ralston, B.C.'s Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. “Together, we are providing important funding to Indigenous communities throughout B.C. to develop projects that will help them achieve energy independence, support economic development and reduce reliance on diesel.”

Projects include:

  • the Tlingit Homeland Energy Ltd. Partnership in Atlin is receiving $250,000 for work on a hydro energy generation upgrade project;
  • the Xeni Gwet’in First Nations Government in Nemiah Valley, Williams Lake is receiving $250,000 for a solar micro-grid connection project;
  • the Lhoosk’uz Déné in Kluskus Lake is receiving $300,000 for a combined heat and power biomass project;
  • the Dease River First Nation in Good Hope Lake is receiving $50,000 for a biomass feasibility study;
  • the Tobacco Plains Indian Band in Grasmere is receiving $150,000 for a solar photovoltaic (PV) and battery storage installation; and
  • the Lower Nicola Indian Band in Merritt is receiving $150,000 for a solar PV installation.

Funding from the BCICEI supports the planning of clean energy generation projects, such as hydro, wind, biomass, solar, marine and geothermal projects. The BCICEI also targets energy efficiency projects and energy storage. Among its target communities, it specifically seeks to assist remote communities wherever possible in reducing dependency on fossil fuels.

Funding to communities through the BCICEI will be used for feasibility and site selection, environmental review and permitting, and project design and engineering. This allows First Nations’ clean energy and energy efficiency projects to proceed to the next step of implementation and construction when additional funding is secured.

In total, 13 communities throughout the province are receiving almost $2.8 million from the BCICEI.

Through programs like the BCICEI and Remote Community Clean Energy Strategy, the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources is supporting communities to develop expertise and experience in energy efficiency and clean energy generation.

CleanBC is a pathway to a more prosperous, balanced and sustainable future. CleanBC was developed in collaboration with the BC Green Party caucus and Andrew Weaver, MLA for Oak Bay-Gordon Head, and supports the commitment in the Confidence and Supply Agreement to implement climate action to meet B.C.’s emission targets.

Quick Facts:

  • The BCICEI has invested more than $3.5 million to fund 31 projects, including 10 in remote, off-grid or diesel-dependent communities.
  • These investments have leveraged more than $37.2 million — including $11.7 million in Indigenous equity — to finance hydro, solar, geothermal, bioenergy and innovative demand side management projects throughout British Columbia.
  • Launched in 2016 and renewed in 2019, the BCICEI is a partnership between Western Economic Diversification Canada, the Province of British Columbia and the New Relationship Trust. Through Indigenous Services Canada’s Strategic Partnership Initiative, the Government of Canada has invested $4.5 million in renewed funding over three years towards the BCICEI, in addition to the original $4.2 million investment. Since the renewal, the Province has committed $5 million through the CleanBC Plan toward the BCICEI over the same period.

Learn More:

Read more about the 13 BCICEI projects from the New Relationship Trust:

For a list of funding opportunities for clean energy projects led by Indigenous Nations and local governments, visit:

Find out more about CleanBC:

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