Friday, August 21, 2020

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - August 21st meeting

Present: Chair M. Wagner and Directors Sjostrom, Massier, Forseth, Delainey, LeBourdais, Richmond, Glassford, Kirby, Macdonald, Fourchalk, Simpson, Cobb, Campsall and Directors Bachmeier/Mernett via teleconference 

Prior to the meeting officially starting -- Joan Sorley/Phyllis Webstad presented to the Regional District a signed copy of the new "Orange Shirt Day" book and thanked the Board for its' on-going support for Orange Shirt Day activities throughout the Region

Meeting Agenda adopted

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director S. Forseth (Area D)

Minutes of the Cariboo Regional District Board meeting held on July 10th, 2020 were received/adopted

The Board's Delegation List was received


Development Services: (Electoral Area Directors ONLY vote on the items listed below)

1) Following a Public Hearing - the following Planning Bylaws were given 3rd Reading

a) South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5210, 2020 (Area G/4813 Eagle Ave)

b) Quesnel Fringe Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5269, 2020 & Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5270, 2020 (Area A/2192 Maple Drive)

2) The following Planning Bylaw was adopted

a) Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5260, 2020 (Area A/1262 Maple Heights Road)

3) The Board deferred for up to 30 days consideration of DVP #20/2020 (Area G/4675 Kitwanga Drive) upon the recommendation of Director A. Richmond (Area G)

4) Upon the recommendation of Area D Director S. Forseth -- the Board approved submitting to the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission an application for a non-adhering residential use within the Agricultural Land Reserve, pertaining to Lot A, District Lot 8861, Cariboo District, Plan 30633 and the Commission give the application its' favourable consideration (Area D/1675 Hilltop Road)

5) The Board rejected a Provincial Agricultural Land Commission application to subdivide within the Agricultural Land Reserve, pertaining to District Lot 3867, Lillooet District, Except: (1) Plans 20244 and KAP52993 (2) Part Lying South of the Southerly Boundary of the Road Shown on Plan 20244 

6) Upon the recommendation of Area D Director S. Forseth --- The Board approved renewal of Temporary Permit TP20170008 to allow twelve vehicles (RV) to locate on existing mobile home serviced sites to provide temporary dwelling accommodations to workers, and one existing RV to remain on Pad No. 59 

Environmental Services:

1) The Board approved a request for an additional $100,000 in Community Works Funds towards improvements to the Alexandria transfer station in Electoral Area 'A'

2) The Board received an update in regards to the Quesnel Recycling Depot and directed Staff to amend the current contract with NRI to include management of the Quesnel Recycle BC recycling depot

Community Services:

1) The Board approved $20,300 from the 2020 Community Halls Improvements envelope of the Community Works Fund to improve lighting at the Bouchie Lake Community Hall

2) The Board approved an amendment to the South Cariboo Regional Airport Management and Operations contract between the Regional District and Nick Christiansen to permit transfer of the agreement to another party subject to written approval of the Regional District


1) The Board received/ratified the monthly Cheque Register for July 2020 in the total amount of $2,034,108.65

2) The Board authorized the Area 'L' $5,000 Grant for Assistance funds previously approved for the Bridge Lake Community Association, for construction of a playground, be disbursed to the Roe Lake & District Recreation Commission

3) The Board authorized rescinding a number of Board Resolutions access various Area Director Initiative Funds to attend conferences in 2020 which are not going forward due to COVID-19

4) The Board received the 1st half of 2020 Financial Report for all CRD Services from January 1st, 2020 to June 30th, 2020


1) The Board authorized the AAP Process for the following Loan Authorization Bylaws:

a) Interlakes Fire Protection Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 5271, 2020
b) Ten Mile Lake Fire Protection Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 5273, 2020
d) West Fraser Fire Protection Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 5274, 2020
e) Wildwood Fire Protection Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 5275, 2020 

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Directors A. Richmond (Area G) and W. Cobb (Williams Lake)

f) Forest Grove Fire Protection Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 5276, 2020
g) Deka Lake Fire Protection Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 5277, 2020

and further set the dates to have OPPOSITION forms against the above noted bylaws returned to the Regional District office in Williams Lake no later than October 14th, 2020 at 4pm

2) That public consultation be completed in respect of Cariboo Regional District Lac La Hache Fire Protection Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 5272, 2020

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Directors B. Bachmeier (Area B) and S. Forseth (Area D)

3) The Board authorized a letter of support for a grant application being sponsored by the Northern Secwepemc Cultural Society for a Cultural Centre in 108 Mile 

4) The Board received a report of the Chief Administrative Officer concerning the proposed inclusion of the 150 Mile Ranch lands into Williams Lake First Nation IR 1 and directed that the letter, as attached to the report from the CAO, be written to the Williams Lake First Nation indicating that the Regional District has no objections with the proposed inclusion of the lands into IR 1 with the understanding that the WLFN and CRD will discuss the fire services agreement and land use planning between WLFN/CRD

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Directors M. Sjostrom (Area A); J. Glassford (Area I) and Director W. Cobb (Williams Lake) 

5) The Board received a request for support from the Town of Comox for the federal government to implement a national pharmacare program and took no further action

6) The Board received its' Consent Calendar, as of August 21st, 2020

Corporate Bylaws:

1) The Board gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to Cariboo Regional District Deka Lake Fire Protection Service Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 5283, 2020 (Area 'L')

2) The Board gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Reading and Adoption to Cariboo Regional District Forest Grove Legion Property Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 5281, 2020 (Area 'H')

3) The Board gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings and Adoption to Quesnel-Hixon Subdivision Erosion Protection Works Service Parcel Tax Bylaw No. 5282, 2020 (Area B)

4) Following presentations from those for/against -- The Board rejected adoption of Emerald/Crown Royal Island Parking Service Establishment Bylaw No. 5239, 2019 by a 9-7 vote

5) The Board adopted Bouchie Lake Fire Protection Boundary Expansion Bylaw No. 5279, 2020 (Area 'B')

Directors' Items:

1) At the request of Director S. Forseth (Area D) -- the Board approved a request for $60 from Electoral Area D Director Initiative Funds to pay the cleaning costs of a meeting held in McLeese Lake on January 22, 2020 to discuss a proposed solar energy technical study in the area

2) The Board received a request from Director S. Forseth (Area D) to merge North, Central and South Economic Development Service Bylaws into a 1 Single Regional District service and Staff were directed to report back on options to merge the 3 CRD sub-Regional Economic Development Services into 1 RD Service

3) Director S. Forseth (Area D) presented and the Board approved a request to write a letter to BC's Solicitor-General to formally review RCMP Police Strength in all Electoral Areas of the Cariboo Regional District 

At the request of Directors Forseth/Sjostrom -- changes were authorized by the Board to membership of the Areas A/D Advisory Planning Commissions

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