Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Latest Edition of "Northern Dispatch"... State of Northern BC's Economy in a COVID-19 World

 In the latest edition of "Northern Dispatch" from the Northern Development Initiative Trust:

This issue of Northern Dispatch comes out at a particularly challenging time for Northern B.C. as we balance our collective response to a global pandemic, with our need to continue going about our lives to maintain all that we have. Normally, we focus Northern Dispatch on specific sectors or industries, but this time around we asked our research partners at MNP to help us answer the question that’s been on our mind for some time – how has COVID-19 impacted the economy in Northern B.C.?

Contributors in this edition of "Northern Dispatch" includes Joel McKay, CEO of the Northern Development Initiative Trust; Hon. Doug Donaldson, BC's Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resources Operations and Rural Development and Dr. Greg Halseth/Marleen Morris -- Co-Directors, Community Development Institute, University of Northern British Columbia and MNP

Read the article here 

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