Saturday, August 29, 2020

Walt Cobb plans to seek re-election in Fall 2022

Yesterday - the Williams Lake Tribune did a Facebook Live interview with Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb to give an update on affairs in the City of Williams Lake.  Topics raised include:

* While reluctant at first, he (Cobb) says he does plan to seek re-election in the October 15th, 2022 City of Williams Lake Local General Election while acknowledging that things can change between now and Spring/Summer 2022 at which point -- local government or Boards' of Education re-election bids will be formally announced.  It should be noted that Walt Cobb is already the longest serving Mayor of Williams Lake at 12 years by the end of 2020 and if re-elected on October 15th, 2022 and serves the entire 2022-26 four year term; it will further cement that record at 18 years (Two 3 year terms from 1990-96 and 3 - 4 year terms from 2014 to 2026).  This does not include his years as an City Councillor (in the 1980's,  Municipal Councillors' were called "Alderman")

Editor's Note -- As I have had people asking -- It is my personal intent to seek a 3rd consecutive term as the Cariboo Regional District Area 'D' Director in Fall 2022 although I appreciate the "vote of confidence" to run for Mayor of Williams Lake but I have work to do/complete in my Area that won't be done by the end of this term and wish to continue that work, should it be the pleasure of Area 'D' voters to allow me to carry on that work post 2022 including a new WL Fringe Official Community Plan and work on flood plain & land slippage land use planning in the Electoral Areas to ensure homes are being built safely to protect residents'.... 

* On-going public and other works in the Williams Lake River Valley in 2020 and into 2021
* Road works in the community through to October 2020
* Housing Needs include City participation in Regional Housing Needs Study and Botanio Mall housing project
* Crime Concerns include supporting rural communities outside the City boundaries going through community safety challenges at McLeese Lake as well as other unincorporated communities... 

* August 29th Rotary Breakfast and Rib Dinner events

Questions that came up during the Facebook Live interview included:

* Crime in the City 
* Roadworks in the City
* Housing Needs



  1. Time to let go, Walt and let a new generation take over with fresh ideas, fresh attitudes, fresh faces. Independent thinkers willing to work with all sectors and all other local governments; those who cheer on prosperity for all instead of just working to maintain the status quo. There comes a time to exit gracefully, and that is NOW!


  3. It is interesting to note how we become so engrained that our ideas are the only perspectives that matter that we forget there are other ways to do things. Times are changing and Williams Lake needs to grow, not be held back by old fashioned thinking. the current civil unrest across Canada and the US should show us there are other ways to accomplish things and that inclusivity is the wave of the future.

  4. I see this post with its accompanying comments were posted on a Williams Lake FB site Sunday morning (Aug 30) and quickly removed by the FB admin, a Walt Cobb crony. Unbridled censorship; seems like the "thought police" are already controlling the narrative and the election season is a year out.
