Wednesday, September 16, 2020

CC Rural Caucus Highlights - September 16th mtg

 Present: Chair S. Forseth and Directors Delainey, LeBourdais and Kirby (via teleconference)

The Chair acknowledged that today's meeting is taking place on the traditional, unceded territory of the Northern Secwepemc (Shuswap) Territory and specifically of the Williams Lake First Nation

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the Central Cariboo Rural Caucus meeting held on June 24th, 2020 were received/adopted

Delegations - None 


1) Williams Lake Fringe Fire Protection Services Agreement

A report from the Manager of Protective Services was provided to Caucus
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved - That it be recommended to the Regional Board:

That the agenda item summary from Stuart Larson, Manager of Protective Services, dated September 10, 2020, regarding the Williams Lake Fringe Fire Protection Services Renewal agreement, be received. Further that the appropriate Cariboo Regional District signatories be authorized to enter into the agreement, as amended

2) Discussion Topic - 2021 Central Cariboo/Chilcotin Economic Development Service Business Plan

Discussion ensued thereon...
No resolution resulted... 

3) Action Page

The Action Page was presented to Caucus
Discussion ensued thereon.... 

Resolved - Item be received and the Memorandum of Understanding between CRD/City of Williams Lake be placed on the Action Page until the MOU is endorsed by both parties 

4) Closed Caucus Session

Caucus recessed to a Closed Caucus Meeting as per Section 90(1j - prohibition of public disclosure of information as per Section 21 of FOIPPA Act) of the Community Charter at 3:51pm

Caucus resumed its' open meeting and adjourned at 4:12pm

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