Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Orange Shirt Day 2020


Cariboo Regional District
Area 'D' Director Steve Forseth
Firstly, I write to you from the traditional unceded territory of the Northern Secwepemc (Shuswap) peoples including that of the Williams Lake First Nation 

 Today is #OrangeShirtDay2020. A day where we remember all residential school survivors, those who are with us today and those that did not make it. 

Let us hope that we learn from history and never repeat the lessons that came from the creation of residential schools including respect for indigenous cultures, that #EveryChildMatters and for inclusion. 

My Area's Alternate Director, Phyllis Webstad and her story from residential schools inspired "Orange Shirt Day". To read about her story (and I do so every day), go to: 

 Although there will be *no* In-Person events today, there will be online events, one such event can be attended virtually 

Finally - the "Orange Shirt Day" textbook which is for elementary school students' outlining the history on the subject of residential schools and co-authored by my Area Alternate Director, Phyllis Webstad and my former Cariboo RD Area F colleague, Joan Sorley, can be purchased online at Medicine Wheel Education - or Chapters online at or finally at the Open Book in Williams Lake... 


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