Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar - August 2020

 In the month of August 2020 -- I attended the following meetings or events:

* August 6th - 1st meeting of the Technical Committee for the Central Cariboo Housing Needs Study

* August 7th - Announcement from Xat'sull First Nation re: Purchase of Carpenter Mountain Ranch by the Province of BC/Canada as part of the eventual Treaty Settlement Lands for the Xat'sull community.  Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb & both Cariboo-Chilcotin/Cariboo-North MLA's Donna Barnett/Coralee Oakes were in attendance as was CRD Area Directors John Massier (Area C/Vice-Chair) and Maureen LeBourdais (Area F)

* August 13th - Facilitated Annual Elections of the Executive/Directors of the McLeese Lake VFD Society Board of Directors', at the request of the McLeese Lake VFD Society... 

* August 20th -- Special Committee of the Whole meeting of the CRD Board & phone call with Kamloops Councillor Sadie Hunter re: 2020 UBCM Director at Large bid

* August 21st -- Meetings of the Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District & Cariboo Regional District Boards'

* August 24th - Observed McLeese Lake Community Safety Mtg in regards to on-going community safety concerns regarding a prolific offender in the McLeese Lake/Blue Lake areas

In addition -- participated in bi-weekly North Central Local Gov't Association (NCLGA) Executive Committee meetings in my capacity as NCLGA 2nd Vice President which is a Table Officer position.  As well, responded to monthly inquiries from Cariboo RD Area 'D' residents' via phone, email or social media (Facebook/Facebook Messenger)

As to submitted expenses for the month of August 2020:

* August 20th -- Special Committee of the Whole meeting of the Cariboo Regional District Board ($206)
* August 21st -- Meetings of the Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District & Cariboo Regional District Boards' ($206)


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