Thursday, September 24, 2020

#UBCM2020 - Day 3 of 3

Today is the final day of the 2020 Virtual UBCM/Union of BC Municipalities Convention, being broadcast from Victoria, BC while registered UBCM delegates participate remotely at their home or together in their Boardroom (Regional District) or other facility (Regional District/Municipal Council)

On the Agenda today:

* Federal Address by Federal Minister of Environment/Climate Change Jonathon Wilkinson
* Keynote Address: Margaret Atwood

* Address from BC Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau 
* Workshops -- Seniors Homes: What Has the Pandemic Taught Us? & The New Now: Life After Covid

* Installation of 2020-21 UBCM President - Elect Brian Frenkel (Councillor, District of Vanderhoof)

* Closing Address by BC NDP Leader John Horgan

Also - yesterday -- UBCM Annual Elections resulted in the following:

UBCM Director at Large (5 positions) 

  • Councillor Gord Klassen, City of Fort St John
  • Councillor Sadie Hunter, City of Kamloops
  • Director Susan Clovechok, RD of East Kootenay
  • Councillor Amy Lubik, City of Port Moody
  • Mayor Gaby Wickstrom, Town of Port McNeill

UBCM Vancouver Metro Area Representative (2 positions)

  • Councillor Trish Mandewo, City of Coquitlam
  • Mayor Val van den Broek, City of Langley
Meanwhile -- there was a tie for UBCM Third Vice President.  A run-off ballot is currently being held between Campbell River Councillor Claire Moglove & Fernie Mayor Ange Qualizza.  UBCM Delegates will learn of the result later today.  I am advised that this is the first time a tie as occurred between candidates for UBCM 3rd VP... 

Upon adjournment -- I will provide the usual "Post Event" report for attending the virtual 2020 UBCM Convention over the next few days.... 


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