Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Wrap on Day 1 at #UBCM2020

 Courtesy of the Union of BC Municipalities:

1) Leadership Reimagined

On the opening day of convention, UBCM Delegates had the opportunity to hear three distinguished panelists discuss leadership during a time of crisis. The Honourable Janet Austin, Lieutenant Governor of BC; Kim Baird, former Chief of the Tsawwassen First Nation, and; Dr. Bonnie Henry, BC's Provincial Health Officer joined with Mayor Maja Tait to reflect on their experience as women in leadership, including Dr. Henry's recounting of significant threats made against her and her staff during the pandemic. Read More

2) Public Transit, post COVID-19

Earlier today, UBCM delegates heard perspectives on how transit can recover and rebuild from the ridership and financial impacts of COVID-19. Representatives from transit agencies and local government addressed how the recently announced Safe Restart funding will help them recover, and identified key policy considerations to support continued growth of transit going forward. Read More

3) Passing the torch during a pandemic

In a departure from the conventional podium speech, UBCM's President Maja Tait sat down with 1st Vice President Brian Frankel, on camera, to review and discuss the organization's past year. Councillor Frankel will inherit Mayor Tait's presidential responsibilities at the culmination of this week's Convention. Read More

4) Register for post #UBCM2020 Electoral Area Directors' Forum

Electoral Area Directors will have an opportunity to meet and discuss issues in a virtual session following the UBCM Convention on October 5th, 10 am - 12pm. To register for this free session, please contact Raelene Adamson to receive Zoom information and an agenda. 

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