Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Cariboo-North MLA All Candidates Forum

Earlier tonight - the provincial MLA candidates for Cariboo-North (Coralee Oakes, Scott Elliot and Douglas Gook) attended the All Candidates Forum held at the College of New Caledonia, Quesnel Campus and was broadcast on Facebook Live, due to COVID-19 restrictions.  The video of the All Candidates Forum can be watched here.  Kyle Townsend of the BC Conservatives was not in attendance

Topics raised included:

* Working with Cariboo RD Directors in Areas A, B, C, D, F, and I (Mary Sjostrom, Barb Bachmeier, John Massier, Steve Forseth, Maureen LeBourdais and Jim Glassford)

* Support for Independent Fire Departments at Nazko, Tyee Lake, McLeese Lake, Horsefly, Likely and Big Lake

* Connectivity throughout Cariboo-North

* Housing concerns
* Quesnel Highway 97 Bypass
* Support for Resource Sector (Fishing, Mining, Forestry)
* Health Care System concerns
* Small Business support in small rural communities

It was unfortunate that Mr. Townsend was unable to attend so we could hear the views of the BC Conservatives.  It was good to hear the vision of all of Cariboo-North from Ms. Oakes/Mr. Gook - it was most unfortunate to watch Mr. Elliot talk primarily about the City of Quesnel and appeared to not grasp regional issues in the rural areas, outside the City of Quesnel... 

Don't forget Advanced Voting starts tomorrow (October 15th) until October 21st and General Voting will be on Saturday, October 24th.  Full details on both of these events from the Elections BC website here


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