Friday, October 2, 2020

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - Oct 2nd mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner/Vice-Chair J. Massier and Directors M. Sjostrom, B. Bachmeier, S. Forseth, A. Delainey (entered meeting at 11:40am), M. LeBourdais, A. Richmond, J. Glassford, G. Kirby, W. Macdonald, G. Fourchalk, B. Simpson, and W. Cobb

Meeting called to order at 9:55am

The Chair recognized that today's Board Meeting was taking place on the traditional territory of the Northern Secwepemc peoples' 

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the Cariboo RD Board meeting held September 11th, 2020 were received/adopted

The Board received the "Memorandum of Business - Delegation" as of October 2nd, 2020


Development Services:

1) South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5284, 2020 was given 1st/2nd Readings with Adoption subject to the applicants offering to enter into and entering into a covenant to ensure compliance with the CRD Shoreland Management Policy with respect to sewerage disposal and riparian protection (Area G/Highway 97, Lac La Hache)

2) The Board gave 3rd Reading to South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5285, 2020 (Area G/4435 Fircrest Road)

3) The Board approved 1 Development Variance Permit and rejected 1 DVP as follows:

a) Rejected Area L/6654 Lyall Road
b) Approved Area E/2179 Bluff View Road

4) The Board approved Development Permits as follows:

a) Area G/Cariboo Highway 97 & Park Drive

Community Services:

1) The Board approved a request from the Gavin Lake Forest Enhancement Society (Area F) for installation of solar panels at the Gavin Lake Forest Education Centre and that up to $25,278 for the project was approved from the 2020 Community Hall Improvements envelope of the Community Works Fund for this project


1) The Board received a report from the Chief Financial Officer in regards to the procedure to dispose fire apparatus that is replaced due to age


1) The Board approved 4 Resolutions in respect of an Alternate Approval Process regarding Maple Drive Street lighting Service Establishment Bylaw No. 5280, 2020

2) The Board received its' Draft 2021 Meeting Schedule and Staff report back on 2021 LGLA, NCLGA, FCM and UBCM remuneration

3) The Board received a report of the Deputy CAO concerning the release of an intentions paper by the Ministry of Agriculture on proposed changes to rural slaughter within BC

4) The Board received a report of the CAO concerning the Community Economic Recovery Infrastructure Program (CERIP) and directed Staff to work with Troll Resort and Mount Timothy to partner grant proposals as well as Staff to bring forward grant application to the CERIP to the October 23rd Board meeting

5) The Board received a report of the CAO concerning correspondence received from the Bouchie Milburn Community Planning Team and resolved to confirm the current model of management of the recreation and cultural assets in Bouchie-Milburn and further agreed to take no further action.

6) The Board directed Staff to schedule "Show Cause" hearings for properties at 1227 Bass Road and 641 Fir Street, both in Electoral Area 'A', for the Board's November 13th, 2020 meeting

7) The Board passed 4 Resolutions in respect of an Alternate Approval Process for the Lac La Hache Fire Protection Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 5272, 2020

Chair Wagner declared a conflict of interest on the next item and left the meeting at 11:26am.  Vice-Chair Massier then assumed the Chair

8) The Board authorized a letter of support in respect of the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development’s application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust for its LiDAR project covering the entire Quesnel Timber Supply Area

Chair Wagner returned to the meeting at 11:39am and resumed the Chair 

Meeting recessed at 11:39am to CCRHD Board
Meeting resumed at 12:55pm... 

The Board resolved into a Closed Board Meeting (In-Camera) as per Section 90(1 i , j and k -- legal advice, information prohibited from public disclosure and negotiations) of the Community Charter at 12:55pm

The Board resumed its' public meeting at 2:22pm

Board recessed at 2:22pm
Board resumed at 2:28pm

9) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of October 2nd, 2020

Committee or Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

1) The Board received minutes from its' various Committees or Commissions' as follows:

a) South Cariboo Regional Airport Commission  - September 2nd meeting
b) Committee of the Whole - September 10th meeting
c) Policy Committee - September 15th meeting
d) Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus - September 16th meeting
e) Central Cariboo Joint Committee  - September 16th meeting
f) South Cariboo Joint Committee - September 17th meeting
g) South Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus  - September 17th meeting

2) The Board endorsed recommendations from the above-mentioned meetings, as follows:

a) South Cariboo Regional Airport Commission  - September 2nd meeting

South Cariboo Regional Airport Commission Appointments
South Cariboo Regional Airport Management and Operations Agreement
Grant Application for Runway Overlay at the South Cariboo Regional Airport

b) Committee of the Whole - September 10th meeting

Possible Involvement of First Nation Communities at the Board Table

c) Policy Committee - September 15th meeting

Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) Landowner Exclusion Application Policy - Policy Committee Recommendation rejected but referred to North Cariboo Ag Development Advisory Committee/Electoral Area APC's for review/feedback

Draft Policy for Consideration – EA Director Letterhead for letters from individual Electoral Area Directors - referred back to Policy Committee 

d) Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus - September 16th meeting

Williams Lake Fringe Fire Protection Services Agreement (2021-2024)

e) Central Cariboo Joint Committee  - September 16th meeting

Funding Application for Arena Dressing Room Expansion Project at Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director Forseth (Area D)

f) South Cariboo Joint Committee - September 17th meeting

Request from Community Members for an Outdoor Skating Rink in 100 Mile House

g) Central/South Cariboo Joint Committees - September 16th/17th meetings

* Joint Use Agreement Between School District 27, Thompson Rivers University, City of Williams Lake, District of 100 Mile House and Cariboo Regional District

Corporate Bylaws:

1) The Board gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to Lexington Water Service Boundary Expansion Bylaw No. 5287, 2020

The Board received a report of the Board Chair concerning her activities for the period ending October 1st, 2020 

The Board agreed to adjourn at 3:21pm

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