Thursday, October 22, 2020

#CaribooRD Committee of Whole Session - Oct 22nd mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner; Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Forseth, Delainey, LeBourdais, Richmond, Glassford, Macdonald, Fourchalk, Cobb (entered meeting at 10:00am), Campsall and Alternate Director L. Roodenburg (City of Quesnel)

Meeting called to order - 9:30am

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on traditional Northern Secwēpemc (Shuswap) territory and welcomed Alternate Director Roodenburg (City of Quesnel) in for Director Simpson

Meeting Agenda Adopted
Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meetings held August 20th/September 10th, 2020 were received/adopted


The Committee reviewed the following matters and provided direction to Administration:

1) B.A. Blackwell Report (Community Wildfire Protection Plan for Lac La Hache/South Cariboo) - Item here

Discussion to continue following the Delegation... 


Representatives from the Deka Lake and District Ratepayers Association appeared before the Committee, via teleconference, to talk about their efforts to improve lake access

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, thanked the delegation for their time/information

Business, cont:

1) 1) B.A. Blackwell Report (Community Wildfire Protection Plan for Lac La Hache/South Cariboo) - Item here, continued... 

Meeting recessed at 11:11am
Meeting resumed at 11:15am

2) Regional District Volunteer Fire Department Review/Next Steps - Item here (Staff report) and here (Recommendations)

The Committee adjourned at 11:59am

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