Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Central Cariboo Joint Committee Highlights - Oct 28th mtg

Present: Councillors S. Boehm, I. Bonnell and J. Ryll (City of Williams Lake) and Directors S. Forseth, A. Delainey and M. LeBourdais (Cariboo Regional District)

Meeting called to order at 5:31pm by Councillor J. Ryll (Meeting Chair)

The Chair reminded Committee members that the meeting is taking place on the traditional territory of the Northern Secwepemc (Shuswap) peoples ... and reminded Committee members about putting their cell phone in either vibrate mode or turn them off... 

Resolved -- That members of the public are not permitted to physically attend the October 28th, 2020 meeting of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As per Ministerial Order No. M192 from the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, dated June 17, 2020, the Regional District cannot, at this time, ensure the safety of staff, Committee members, and members of the public in such circumstances. Despite this, for the purposes of Division 3 of Part 4 of the Community Charter, the meeting is not to be considered closed to the public. Openness, transparency, accessibility, and accountability, in respect of this meeting, will be achieved by the open publishing of the minutes.

Meeting Agenda approved
Minutes of the Joint Committee meeting held on September 16th, 2020 were received and adopted

Delegations: None


1) Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society's 'Performances in the Park 2020 Final Report'

A report of the Society was presented to the Committee 
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved - That the Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society's ' Performances in the Park 2020 Final Report' be received for information

2) Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society's '2020 Arts & Culture Third Quarter Report'

A report of the Society was presented to the Committee 
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved - That the Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society's ' Performances in the Park 2020 Final Report' be received for information

3) Central Cariboo Arts and Culture 2021 Business and Financial Plans

A report of the CRD Manager of Community Services (D. Campbell) was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That it be recommended to the Regional Board:

That the agenda item summary from Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services, Cariboo Regional District dated October 13, 2020 regarding the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture 2021 Business and Financial Plans be received, and the plans be endorsed as presented.

4) Central Cariboo Recreation and Leisure Services 2021 Business, Financial and Capital Plans

A report of the CRD Manager of Community Services (D. Campbell) was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That it be recommended to the Regional Board:

That the agenda item summery from Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services, Cariboo Regional District dated October 13, 2020 regarding the Central Cariboo Recreation and Leisure Services 2021 Business, Financial and Capital Plans be received, and the plans be endorsed as presented

5) City Parks with Potential for Cost-Sharing of Maintenance Costs with CRD (referred by Williams Lake City Council) 

A letter, along with a Williams Lake City Staff Report, from the City of Williams Lake was presented to the Committee

Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved - That the letter from the City of Williams Lake dated October 21, 2020, together with the list of City parks facilities and services that could be jointly funded between the City of Williams Lake and Cariboo Regional District, be received and referred to the Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus for review/report back to Joint Committee 

6) Discussion Item from Director A. Delainey - Longevity of Community Events & Volunteerism

Director Delainey reported on this item
Discussion ensued thereon.... 

Resolved - That Staff develop a list of Community Events and report to Committee of the Whole (WL Council) and Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus (CRD) meetings and that the matter be further discussed at a future Joint Committee meeting

7) Discussion Item from the City of Williams Lake - Ice Arena Spectators & Face Mask Policy

The City of WL's Director of Community Services reported on this item
Discussion ensued thereon... 

No resolution resulted

8) Proposed 2021 Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting Schedule

A report of the CRD Deputy Corporate Officer was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved - That it be recommended to Regional Board/Williams Lake City Council:

That the agenda item summary from Lore Schick, Deputy Corporate Officer / Executive Assistant, Cariboo Regional District dated October 7, 2020 regarding the Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting schedule for 2021 be received; and further, the following 2021 meeting schedule for the Central Cariboo Joint Committee be endorsed, with meeting start times to be 5:30 PM

* January 27th
* February 24th
* March 24th
* April 28th 
* May 26th 
* June 23rd
* September 22nd
* October 27th
* November 24th

9) Action Page

Discussion ensued ... 

Resolved - Action Page received and Items #4 and 7 be removed 

The Committee adjourned at 7:20pm

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