Thursday, October 8, 2020

Cow Boss Statue Replacement Sponsored by Atlantic Power

 Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake is pleased to announce that, thanks to a generous donation from Atlantic Power (approximately $15,000 - click here), the iconic Cow Boss statue is slated to be replaced in the Spring. Originally carved approximately 15 years ago by local artist Ken Sheen, the statue had undergone repairs in 2018. 

Unfortunately, the statue became unstable due to rot from water damage and was removed in June 2020. “We are extremely grateful to Atlantic Power for their offer to fund the replacement of the Cow Boss statue,” said Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb. “This statue is meaningful to the community, and we are happy to have the opportunity to replace it relatively quickly.” 

Ken Sheen has already sourced the old growth cedar log that will be carved over the next few months. An unveiling and dedication will be held once it is complete, and the Cow Boss will once again resume its place on the corner of Oliver Street and Eighth Avenue, overlooking the Stampede Grounds.

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