Thursday, October 1, 2020

Quesnel Council Highlights - September 29th mtg

 Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Tourism Marketing Video

Council was provided with an update of the City’s tourism marketing videos, that are found on the Explore Quesnel You Tube page, and the video marketing campaign statistics.

The Mountain Biking campaign and video was launched on July 2, 2020, scheduled to end September 30, 2020 with the following statistics:

  • Reached: 102,813

  • Video Views (100%): 2,378

  • Engagement (likes, shares, comments): 683

  • Landing Page Visits (new users): 873

  • Video Name: James Doerfling, Mountain Biker & Trail Builder - Quesnel, B.C. 2022

  • Video Link:

The Explorer’s Spirit Tourism campaign and video was run form July 21, 2020 to September 21, 2020 with the following statistics:

Proposed North Cariboo Gymnastics Facility – Grant Application/Project - Not Proceeding

City staff were directed by Council to stand down on a gymnastics grant. This grant required a contribution of up to $920,000 and Council chose not to proceed due to not reaching an agreement with the North Cariboo Joint Advisory Committee to fund this amount.

West Fraser Park – Trails Development/Improvements

Quesnel City Council then approved submitting an Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program Grant Application, that was previously intended to be used for the Gymnastics Facility, instead for the City’s shovel-ready West Fraser Timber Park Trails Development project. This project will see improvements and/or development of trails within West Fraser Timer Park and join the West Fraser Timber Park trail system to the Red Bluff area.

Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch – Temporary Expanded Services Area Authorizations

Previously at the June 2, 2020 Council meeting, Council approved to October 30, 2020 for businesses to temporarily expand their liquor service areas (Barkerville Brewery Temporary Outdoor Patio) in our community through the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (“LCRB”); Council has now approved an extension for this to October 31, 2021.

Electronic Council Meetings

Council voted to allow ZOOM electronic meetings, if required, which are closed to the public due to COVID-19 pandemic issues, and limited seating capacity in the Fraser Meeting Room in City Hall. As long as the COVID-19 pandemic circumstances allow, Council’s preference is to continue to meet in Council Chambers with the public present. Should an electronic Council meeting be necessary where the public cannot attend, the public can still participate in these electronic Council meetings by:

Once the Council Chambers Technological Update project has been completed in 2021, all electronic Council meetings will be held in Council Chambers where the public can attend. However seating capacity has been reduced for the public to fifteen in the Council Chambers Gallery, and seven in the Council Chambers Lobby in order to meet the conditions of the Order of the Provincial Health Officer – Gatherings and Events.

Next Meeting

  • 6:00 pm – October 6, 2020 - Council Meeting

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