Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Williams Lake Council Highlights - Oct 6th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb and Councillors S. Boehm, I. Bonnell, M. Brenner, S. Nelson, J.Ryll and C. Smith

Meeting called to order 

Meeting Agenda with 2 Late Items was adopted

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held September 15th, 2020 and the Special Meeting of Council held September 22nd, 2020 were both received/adopted


1) Dan Harrison/Ian Hicks of McLeese Lake (Cariboo RD Electoral Area D) appeared before Council to discuss Prolific Offender Concerns in Community and Rural Areas

A Question/Answer period ensued.. 

Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked Mssrs Harrison/Hicks for their time/information

2) RCMP Insp. Jeff Pelley appeared before Council to present the September 2020 Police Commission Report

A Question/Answer period ensued.. 

Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked Inspector Pelley for his time/information


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated September 11, 17, 24, 25 and October 1, 2020

2) Council ratified an email poll authorizing acceptance of a donation from Atlantic Power in the amount of approximately $15,000 towards replacing the existing Cow Boss statue and that a plaque be prepared for a ribbon cutting ceremony, once the new Cow Boss statue is installed

3) Council gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading to Permissive Property Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 2341, 2020 (adds Exemption for Cariboo Friendship Society - 254 First Avenue North) and Staff prepare a report, for Committee of the Whole, to review both the current City policy governing Permissive Property Tax Exemptions and the Permissive Property Tax Exemption Bylaw

4) Council ratified an email poll authorizing the installation of the proposed mural for 397 Oliver St. to ensure that it will meet the requirements of the Good Neighbour Bylaw No. 2194, 2014

5) Council approved the North End Industrial Revitalization Tax Exemption application from West Fraser Mills Ltd., Inc. No. BC0712789 for installation of a new stacker, sorter, and sawdust bins to the property located at 4255 Rottacker Road as a Class 2 Exemption, subject to receipt of proof of ownership from the applicant prior to issuing a certificate for the 2020 property value increase

Councillor M.Brenner declared a conflict of interest on the next item as it relates to her employer, Vantage Living and left Council Chambers

6) Council rejected the Downtown Revitalization Tax Exemption application from Vantage Living for a long-term care facility located at 185 Fourth Avenue North

Councillor M. Brenner returned to Council Chambers and resumed her seat

7) Council agreed to extend “pre-approval” to cover all liquor primary, food primary and manufacturer establishments within the City’s jurisdiction who may apply for an expanded service area until October 31, 2021, subject to the Liquor Control and Regulation Branch authorization; City Staff were directed not to enforce Section 400 of the City of Williams Lake Zoning Bylaw No. 1825, 2002 for local establishments under the LCRB Temporary Expanded Service Area Authorization to expand into the business parking lot during the same period subject to meeting the following criteria:

* the applicant receives an authorization from the property owner; 
* the applicant is the sole business on the property and; 

* the applicant receives a permit from Development Services to temporarily expand into their parking lot

Council recessed to Public Hearing (Bylaws 2328/2329) at 6:59pm
Council resumed its' meeting at 7:04pm

8) Council approved the fully funded Community Economic Recovery Infrastructure Program application for establishment of the trail link between the newly constructed RC Cotton Trail and the River Valley Recreation Trail through a boardwalk along the Williams Creek area

9) Council awarded the contract for janitorial maintenance services for City Hall, the Fire Hall, the City Works Yard, the Tourism Discovery Centre and the Williams Lake Regional Airport to SkyBlue Services Corporation for a two-year term for the tendered price of $98,160 per year, excluding applicable taxes

10) Council awarded the contract for the supply of dried bulk highway salt for the 2020/2021 winter season to Lafarge Asphalt Technologies for the tendered price of $147.66 per metric tonne, excluding applicable taxes.

11)  Council considered Land Use Bylaws as follows:

a) Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2328, 2020 (1513 Highway 97 South) -- 3rd Reading only APPROVED, following a Public Hearing

b) Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2329, 2020 (1513 Highway 97 South) - 3rd Reading only APPROVED, following a Public Hearing, and seek approval from Ministry of Transportation/Infrastructure as per Section 52 of the Transportation Act

c) Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2332, 2020 (452 Borland St) -- Adoption APPROVED

12) Council endorsed a Committee of the Whole recommendation, as follows:

"That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #09-2020, the presentation of Chris Pharness, Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. dated September 21, 2020 regarding an overview of the Cariboo Gold Project be received for information; and further, Council endorse the project, subject to it meeting all environmental and consultative requirements"

13) Council received the Minutes of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting held September 16, 2020

14) Council received a letter from the Williams Lake & District Chamber of Commerce dated September 16, 2020 regarding concerns that small business property notices may not have been received in adequate time for payment prior to the July 2, 2020 deadline

15) Council proclaimed the week of October 17 to 25, 2020 as "Gambling Awareness Week" in the City of Williams Lake, pursuant to City Policy

16) Council brought forward an item from a previous In-Camera Williams Lake City Council Meeting appointing Tamara Bush as a member of the Accessibility Advisory Committee for the 2020/21 term

Councillor C. Smith declared a conflict of interest on the next item and left Council Chambers

17) Late Item #1 -- Council directed City Staff to procure the services and authorize single-source contracts with professional consultants to complete the entire recovery phase of the Williams Lake River Valley Flood project; and further, staff be authorized to single-source a contract with Peterson Contacting for the recovery phase construction projects for 2020 only, and Council Policy No. 138 (the Purchasing Policy and Procedural Manual) be waived for the recovery projects as outlined in this this report - click here

Councillor C. Smith returned to Council Chambers and resumed his seat

18) Late Item #2 -- Council approved free transit service (i.e. conventional and HandyDART) for the 42nd Provincial General Election day taking place on Saturday, October 24, 2020

19) Council received the "Council Information Package" as of October 6th, 2020 as follows:

a) September 11, 2020 - CRD Board Highlights; 
b) September 15, 2020 - CCACS Grant Applications Deadline Information; 
c) September 15, 2020 - City of New Westminster re Universal Access to No-Cost Prescription Contraception; 

d) September 17, 2020 - NDIT Release re Trust 2020 Launch; 
e) September 17, 2020 - BC Lottery Corporation re 2019/20 Williams Lake Community Impact Report;  

f) September 25, 2020 - Gateway Casinos re LEEFF Application Approval
g) October 1, 2020 - Ministry of Child and Family Development re Foster Family Month

Mayor Cobb provided an COVID-19 numbers update from Interior Health

Members of Council and the CAO (G. Muraca) provided oral reports on their recent activities

Media Question Period - None

Council adjourned at 7:55pm

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