Wednesday, October 14, 2020

WLFN Supports Responsible Development at Boitanio Mall

 Courtesy of the Williams Lake First Nation:

“The proposed development is on a recorded burial site, and so we conducted a survey of our
membership this summer to determine whether there are concerns with the project,” states
WLFN Chief Willie Sellars. 

“We’ve now reviewed the results of that survey and what it revealed
is that our members support the concept of additional housing in Williams Lake, but are
concerned that cultural heritage resources must be dealt with properly.”

In the early 1970s, when Boitanio Mall was being constructed, the remains of numerous
Secwepemc ancestors were unearthed. As the development pre-dated the modern era of
heritage protection under the BC Heritage Conservation Act, the excavation was allowed to
continue, and the human remains were deposited along with other materials at another
location. Subsequently, the Boitanio Mall site received considerable study and the location was
recorded in the database of the BC Archaeology Branch.

“There is still a great deal of sensitivity in our membership over what occurred during the 1970s,”
adds Chief Sellars. “But as we understand it, the proposed scope of excavation for the mall
redevelopment relates exclusively to the upsizing of utilities, and thus the extent of the
excavation should not be that significant. Provided that the developer fully complies with the
requirements at law under the Heritage Conservation Act, and the construction activities are
properly monitored, we support the project moving forward.”

The proposed redevelopment of Boitanio Mall consists of an 86-unit housing complex,
comprised of 15 studio units, 49 one-bedroom and 22 two-bedroom units, with public areas, a
sunroof, and amenities spaces. The cost of the project is estimated to be more than $20 million.

“We have a responsibility as stewards of Secwepemc resources – which includes our cultural
heritage resources,” concludes Chief Sellars. “We commend the developer that is advancing
this project for coming forward and expressing an interest in investing in our region. We further
commend the developer and the City for expressing an interest in ensuring that this
development is done properly and respectfully. We will continue to work with both the developer
and the City of Williams Lake to ensure that occurs.”

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