Monday, November 9, 2020

2019 Crime Severity Index Numbers (Cariboo-Chilcotin Region)

Recently -- Statistics Canada released the Crime Severity Index numbers for 2019 (latest available).. 

In the Cariboo-Chilcotin Region:

Source data here

District of Wells -- no data available

City of Quesnel:

Municipal -- Crime Severity Index: 289.92 (in 2018, this was 290.88)
Rural -- Crime Severity Index: 66.07 (in 2018, this was 78.21)

City of Williams Lake:

Municipal -- Crime Severity Index: 277.09 (in 2018, this was 206.16)
Rural -- Crime Severity Index: 79.35 (in 2018, this was 64.57)

District of 100 Mile House: 

Rural -- Crime Severity Index: 106.34 (in 2018, this was 64.07)


While the City of Quesnel Council and its' rural neighbours will be pleased with these numbers, both Williams Lake/100 Mile House Councils' and their rural neighbours will NOT be pleased with these numbers and the elected officials, both on Williams Lake and 100 Mile House Municipal Councils' and their CRD Area Director counterparts in Areas D,E,F,G,H,J,K,L are aware of the challenges in the respective communities (incorporated and unincorporated) and will continue to lobby the Province (and likely the Federal Government as well) for more safer communities, both in Williams Lake/100 Mile House and in the outlining rural areas... 


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