Saturday, November 7, 2020

City of Williams Lake Receives Significant COVID-19 Safe Restart Grant

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake is pleased to share the great news that it has received a COVID-19 Safe Restart Grant for Local Governments in the amount of $2,618,000 from the Province of BC. 

The funding is a conditional grant to be used for eligible COVID-related costs, which include: 

• addressing revenue shortfalls 
• facility reopening and operating costs 
• emergency planning and response costs 
• bylaw enforcement and protective services such as fire protection and police 
• computer and other electronic technology costs (to improve interconnectivity and virtual communications) 
• services for vulnerable persons (e.g. persons living with disabilities, mental illness or addictions, persons experiencing homelessness or other vulnerabilities) 

The City will allocate this funding to a Financial Stabilization COVID Reserve Fund, and will provide reporting on the use of the funds to the Province. 

“This is a huge Christmas present for Williams Lake,” stated Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb. “This funding will help the City in its ongoing pandemic response, and will be instrumental in addressing shortfalls from the reduction in airport revenues and the gaming grant monies that were significantly impacted due to COVID-19.” 

Councillor Scott Nelson, Finance Committee Chair, said, “this is absolutely fantastic news for Williams Lake. We would like to thank Premier Horgan for creating this fund, and delivering one of the largest grants provided to our community in extraordinarily tough times.”

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