Monday, November 30, 2020

City of Williams Lake to Provide “Pandemic Kits” to Local Businesses

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

On November 6, 2020, the City of Williams Lake was notified that it had received a COVID-19 Safe Restart Grant for Local Governments from the Province of BC. 

The City is pleased to announce that $100,000 of this funding has been approved by Council to provide nonmedical face masks, hand sanitizer, and COVID signage including floor decals at no charge to local licensed businesses, as well as seniors homes. 

Council is currently determining the allocation of the remaining grant funds to support the City and our community as we navigate through the pandemic. “The first order of business for Council was to support our local businesses and seniors,” stated Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb. 

“With the current mandatory mask order and requirements for physical distancing and sanitization, we wanted to assist businesses with signage and supplies to help ease the burden. Our seniors are among the most vulnerable in our community, and we also wanted to help keep them healthy and safe during these challenging times.” Williams Lake City Councillor Scott Nelson & Council's Finance Committee Chair, said, “we are pleased to be able to make a true difference in our community by providing support where it is needed the most. Our local businesses, and our seniors, are the heart of our community, and we want to get these supplies out quickly. I would like to thank our partners at the Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce for their assistance in distributing these kits – they will be working with the City to have them handed out at the Tourism Discovery Centre when they are available.

” Licensed businesses in Williams Lake can request a kit by emailing or visiting the City’s website to fill out a request form at

The City is currently sourcing inventory and will have kits available as soon as possible. As supplies are limited, kits will be provided on a one time only basis, with requests for any additional supplies considered once inventory is determined

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