Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Quesnel Council Highlights - Nov 17th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

The Quesnel Downtown Association’s Business Improvement Associations Bylaw is up for renewal in 2021. This Bylaw provides the Quesnel Downtown Business Association (“QDA”) with its annual funding. Mike Briggs, President, and Gilbert Schotel, Director of the QDA, requested a two-year budget, and that the QDA would like to expand its boundaries as follows:

  • North side of Shepherd Avenue, between Kinchant and Reid Street
  • West side of Vaughan Street between St. Laurent and Barlow Avenue
  • South side of Moffat Bridge approach

Please visit the City’s website for full details of the QDA’s proposed two-year budget and boundary expansion map, and proposed renewal plan, and the branding package. The next step is for Council to review and consider approving the QDA’s strategic plan and boundary expansion at an upcoming Council meeting.

Southern Dakelh Nation Alliance

A November 10, 2020 News Release from the Southern Dakelh Nation Alliance advises that the Chiefs of the Southern Dakelh Nation Alliance have called on the R.C.M.P. to ensure action is taken to investigate and find solutions to end the prevailing racism and violence faced by members of their communities living and working Quesnel. In response to this, Council passed a resolution that formulates a work plan for the City as follows:

  • Consider signing on to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission;

  • Develop and adopt an anti-racism strategy for the corporation;

  • Conduct anti-racism sensitivity training and improve the knowledge of City staff and Council regarding local Indigenous culture and history.

COVID-19 Safe Restart Grants for Local Governments

The City of Quesnel will be receiving $2.503 million from the federal/provincial funded COVID-19 Safe Restart Grant for Local Governments. Council approved the allocation of $1.497 million for a list of items found in the City’s capital and operation budgets. This funding covers the loss of operating revenues and increased costs due to cleaning, and other pandemic requirements, that would have likely resulted in a 3.5% tax increase next year.

Northern Development Initiative Trust - Grant Applications

Council approved the submission of the following Northern Development Initiative Trust (“NDIT”) grant applications:

Shiraoi House Improvements – This project will see renovation to the Shiraoi House to prepare the facility for a future commercial business operation. The City is targeting food and beverage businesses.

Riverfront Trail Wayfinding Project – This project will add on-brand wayfinding signage for the Riverfront trail system. This signage would complement the existing wayfinding signage found in the City.

Other NDIT Grant Applications – economic development capacity building, grant writing support and local government management intern

Next Council Meeting 

  • 6:00 pm - November 24, 2020

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