Thursday, November 5, 2020

Quesnel Council Highlights - Nov 3rd mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Delegation - WildSafeBC Program

Mareike Moore, WildSafeBC Cariboo Coordinator, Christopher Ford, Conservation Officer, and Tera Grady, Supervisor of Solid Waste Management for the Cariboo Regional District (“CRD”), summarized the WildSafeBC programs, WildSafeBC program results in the CRD, and the wildlife conflicts occurring within the City of Quesnel:

  • Overall a 52% decrease of bear accessing garbage in neighbourhoods where strategic education was completed by the WildSafeBC Cariboo Coordinator who put stickers on garbage containers that were put out too early on garbage collection days. Local governments that funded and participated in the WildSafeBC Program are: Cariboo Regional District fringe areas around the City of Quesnel and 108 Mile, City of Williams Lake, and District of 100 Mile House.

  • Conservation Officer, Christopher Ford, advised Council of the following statistics for the City of Quesnel:

    • 35-40 ongoing bear conflicts this summer due to garbage

    • This summer, Conservation Officer conducted several Attractant Audits in West Quesnel where the majority of bear conflicts were located, resulting in 39 Dangerous Wildlife Protection Orders issued to residential and commercial property owners to properly secure their garbage.

    • Bears destroyed due to habituated garage behaviour: 34 in 2018, 12 in 2019, 28 to date in 2020

Official Community Plan and Zoning Amendment – 420 Webster Avenue (Webster Park)

Council approved first reading of proposed Official Community Plan and Zone Amendment Bylaws 1894 and 1895 (“Bylaws”) that would allow for a new Group Day Care facility (“Project”) to be built at 420 Webster Avenue. The $1,360,000 Project is 100% funded through the BC Childcare New Spaces Fund that would add 34 new spaces (in addition to the 23 spaces the Quesnel and District Day Care Society currently has). The proposed site is currently zoned and utilized as a park. There is playground infrastructure on the southwest end of the lot, which is anticipated to be utilized by the daycare and fenced off from public use. Next steps include public consultation with letters to be sent out introducing the Project and requesting input. Pending grant approval for this Project, a Public Hearing will be scheduled sometime this winter for the proposed Bylaws. Full details of this Project can be found on the City’s website under Development Applications - 420 Webster Avenue.

Development Permit – 490 Carson Avenue

Council approved a development permit for 490 Carson Avenue that will convert the existing building to a dine-in/catering restaurant (Craig’s Table) on the main floor, and residential unit on the second floor. The on-site parking will have three parking spaces for restaurant staff and for the resident parking on the second floor. An additional designated seven parking spaces specifically for Craig’s Table are being negotiated at the rear of 184 Davie Street that would be accessed through the back laneway. Full details of this Project can be found on the City’s website, under Development Applications – 490 Carson Avenue.

Royal Canadian Legion Branch #94 (Quesnel) – Remembrance Day 

The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #94 (“Quesnel Legion”) has notified Council that there will be no public ceremony at the cenotaph this Remembrance Day, and there will be no Veterans dinner this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Quesnel Legion Members will lay wreaths at the cenotaph, and will hold a small closed service in the Legion Hall to honour our veterans. For more information, please contact the Legion at 250-992-6819.

Next Council Meeting

  • 6:00 pm - November 17, 2020

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