Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Winter 2020-2021 Season Is Here

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

As the snow starts to fall, the City of Williams Lake would like to remind residents of a few of the responsibilities that we all share to ensure everyone can safely enjoy the winter season. 

Please visit the City’s website at http://www.williamslake.ca/282/Snow-Ice-Control for more information on its Snow and Ice policy. Clearing of snow and ice from sidewalks is the responsibility of the property owner. Sidewalks adjacent to properties must be kept free of ice and snow accumulations. 

Where possible, consider offering assistance to any neighbours that might be in need,” said Matt Sutherland, Manager of Public Works. “As well, unmaintained sidewalks could result in a fine, so please make arrangements in advance if you are going away this winter to ensure they are kept clear.” Please avoid piling snow onto the road, as it can remove sand and/or salt placed there for safety. Clearing large amounts of snow from driveways onto the street is prohibited and should be limited to a patch no larger than 1 metre wide to avoid penalties. 

The Williams Lake Fire Department also asks that property owners do not pile snow around fire hydrants to ensure quick and easy access during an emergency. Public Works crews will be working hard to ensure City streets are as clear as possible for drivers, so please assist them by not parking along the sides of the road during snow clearing operations if possible. 

This will allow snow removal equipment to access the entire road. Vehicles that repeatedly impede snow removal may be towed at the owner’s expense. This also applies to garbage and recycling carts that can make snow removal difficult. The City asks that carts be put out at 7:00 am on the day of collection, and retrieved by 7:00 pm the same day. If carts continuously impede snow clearing operations, it could result in a fine. We would like to thank our community for your understanding and assistance during the winter months

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