Tuesday, December 15, 2020

BC Gov't continues to support Cariboo-Chilcotin Arts/Culture and Sports Groups

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

Editor's Note -- breakdown of individual awards can be viewed here (Arts/Culture) and here (Sports)

British Columbians will benefit from a wide range of arts, cultural and sports programs for people of all ages with more than $45 million distributed to local organizations this year through provincial Community Gaming Grants.

“While local soccer drills, arts programs and cultural celebrations may look different this year, I’m so pleased we can continue to support programs like these,” said the Hon. Josie Osborne, BC's Minister of Municipal Affairs. “We know how important it is for not-for-profit organizations to continue to plan for the future, so when it is time for us to be together again, we can fully embrace sports, arts and cultural experiences as part of living in our vibrant and healthy communities.”

More than 700 not-for-profit arts organizations are receiving approximately $18.1 million in Community Gaming Grants to deliver arts and cultural programs in communities provincewide. People can participate in performing arts, literature and media arts programs, as well as Indigenous and cultural events, and other related activities through community-based organizations. Some of the organizations receiving funding this year include the U'mista Cultural Centre in Alert Bay, Columbia Valley Arts Council in Invermere, African Stages Association in Surrey and Kelowna Ballet Society.

“We recognize that everyone is doing their best to keep our communities safe and flatten the curve. I appreciate how incredibly innovative organizations have been during these challenging times,” said the Hon. Melanie Mark, BC's Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport. “We are committed to distributing these funds to organizations in a timely manner to make sure people can continue enjoying performances online, visiting their local museums by appointment, and taking part in the activities that bring them joy and support their well-being.”

The Community Gaming Grants program is also providing more than $27.3 million for more than 800 not-for-profit sport organizations. These groups organize a variety of activities, such as skiing, swimming, soccer, hockey, paddling and Special Olympics, to name a few. Organizations receiving funding this year include the Burnaby Canoe & Kayak Club, Operation Trackshoes in Victoria, Fort St. John Minor Lacrosse Association and Sun Peaks Alpine Club in Kamloops.

"Arts and culture are essential to sustaining strong communities. This year more than ever, finding creative outlets and connections has been hugely important to our collective well-being,” said Sara Knelman, executive director, Two Rivers Art Gallery in Prince George. “The support we receive from the Community Gaming Grants program is vital to our ability to develop inspiring exhibitions and arts programs for children, youth and families."

Community Gaming Grants provide about $140 million each year to support nearly 5,000 not-for-profit organizations that deliver services to people throughout British Columbia.

The program has made it a condition that all grant funding this year complies with the provincial health officer’s orders and provides flexibility for organizations to delay project and service delivery until they can do so safely.

View the full list of arts and culture sector recipients here: https://news.gov.bc.ca/files/ArtsandCultureBG.pdf

View the full list of sport sector recipients here: https://news.gov.bc.ca/files/SportSectorBG.pdf

Quick Facts:

  • Every year, commercial gaming revenue funds essential government programs and services, including health care, education, justice and social services.
    • Up to $140 million of gaming revenue benefits communities through the 5,000 organizations that the Community Gaming Grants program supports each year.
    • Community Gaming Grants provide funding to arts and culture groups, sports, environment, public safety, human and social services, as well as parent advisory councils in schools throughout B.C.
  • There has been no change to the Community Gaming Grants program budget for 2020-21. 
  • To support vulnerable British Columbians during the COVID-19 crisis, the Province provided a $3-million emergency grant from the Community Gaming Grants program to Food Banks British Columbia in March 2020: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2020MAH0049-000583

Learn More:

For more information on how Community Gaming Grants respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, visit: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/sports-culture/gambling-fundraising/gaming-grants/cggupdates

To learn more about Stronger BC, visit: https://strongerbc.gov.bc.ca/

B.C.’s COVID Action Plan and other government resources and updates: www.gov.bc.ca/covid19

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