Tuesday, December 22, 2020

New spaces open for vulnerable people in Williams Lake

 Courtesy of the Government of BC:

To support people experiencing homelessness who need a safe, secure place to stay in Williams Lake, the Province is partnering with the Cariboo Friendship Society to open a temporary Emergency Response Centre (ERC).

“These new spaces will ensure vulnerable people have a safe, warm place to stay during the winter months,” said the Hon. David Eby, BC's Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Housing. “I would like to thank the Cariboo Friendship Society for working with us to support people in need in the community.”

People will have access to 20 beds inside the society’s Longhouse. Guests will have access to services such as meals, washroom and laundry facilities. Staff will be on site 24-7 and will connect people with community support services as needed.

The current shelter run by the Cariboo Friendship Society is at or near capacity, due to COVID-19 physical distancing guidelines.

“This temporary shelter expansion will ensure we can provide safe social distancing in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, while maintaining our level of service and commitment as we have in the past 30 years in our community,” said Rosanna McGregor, executive director, Cariboo Friendship Society. “We will continue to do intakes as we have always done and will now have a special space and process for anyone requiring isolation.”

People started moving into the new ERC on Dec. 21, 2020. The Province is providing approximately $270,000 in operating funding for the ERC, which will be open until March 31, 2021.

Learn More:

For more information on how BC Housing is supporting British Columbians during the COVID-19 outbreak, visit: https://www.bchousing.org/COVID-19

A map showing the location of all announced provincially funded housing projects in B.C. is available online: https://www.bchousing.org/homes-for-BC

To learn about the steps the Province is taking to tackle the housing crisis and deliver affordable homes for British Columbians, visit: https://workingforyou.gov.bc.ca/

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