Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Quesnel Council Highlights - Dec 1st mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Situation Table

Council supports a Situation Table for the community, and has requested the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General (Office of Crime Reduction and Gang Outreach) consider establishing a Situation Table in Quesnel. Currently there are eleven Situation Tables in the Province. The goal of a Situation Table is to build and sustain multi-sector collaborations to assist communities with social challenges. Situation Tables help vulnerable individuals deal with alcoholism, drugs, negative peers and suspected victimizations leading to missing person’s/runaway’s, suicides and/or criminal behaviour.

Multi-Unit Housing Incentives Bylaw

Council approved first reading of the City of Quesnel Multi-Unit Housing Incentive Bylaw 1901 (“Bylaw”). The goal with this Bylaw is to identify housing opportunities, and work with developers to address the specific housing gaps identified in the City. This Bylaw proposes to waive City property taxes and development cost charges, in specific areas of the City and under certain terms/conditions, in order incentivize developers to build new multi-unit housing in Quesnel. This builds on the current areas where multi-unit development is already incentivized. For additional details, please visit the City’s Housing Initiatives webpage.

Airport Strategic Initiatives

Council was provided with information regarding the management of the Quesnel Regional Airport (“Airport”), and potential strategic Initiatives that will improve the Airport’s long-term financial viability. Specially, the City Staff Report covered:

  • Overview of recommendations of the 2015 Airport Business Plan, and actions taken on recommendations outlined in this document.
  • COVID-19 pandemic impacts to operations of Airport, and actions taken.
  • Overview of what a “registered” and “certified” aerodromes means for the Airport operations, the process and pro’s/con’s involved with each of these types of aerodromes.
  • Recommendations for strategic actions in order to improve the long-term viability of the Airport.

Next Steps

City staff will bring a report forward to Council’s Executive Committee outlining the following:

  • Timeline for continued subsidization and maintaining a “certified” airport for passenger services vs. a downgraded “registered” aerodrome.
  • Restructuring of airport operations and airport economic development/marketing/customer services; both interim and long-term.
  • Realign the airport’s strategic actions to correlate with the City’s Strategic Plan and the City’s Economic Development Transition Strategy to create measurable attainable strategic actions that can be included in the revised business plan for the airport.
  • Capital vulnerabilities should the airport not receive the Federal Airports Capital Assistance Program grant funding.


  • Bylaw 1901 – Multi-Unit Housing Incentives – First Reading

Next Council Meeting

  • 6:00 p.m. - December 15, 2020

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