Tuesday, December 1, 2020

#Quesnel's Climate Change Action Plan

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

The effects of climate change are already undeniable in our community. Quesnel has warmed almost one degree from a 1961-1990 baseline and is projected to continue this warming trend.  Climate patterns have changed here with less predictable weather bringing increased variability to precipitation events (rain and snow), increased forest fire activity and invasive pests like the Mountain Pine Beetle.

The City of Quesnel is committed to decreasing our carbon footprint and preparing the community for the effects of a changing climate. The Climate Change Action Plan is our ambitious, yet practical, plan to do that.

The City’s Climate Change Action Plan has been has been funded in part by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) under their Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program. This program guides municipalities through several milestones that include: developing a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory, establishing emission reduction targets approved by City Council, writing a Climate Action Plan with participation from community members, and implementing that plan in ways that enable the City to track the success of each climate initiative.

The development of this plan is a big step forward and we want the community to be a part of the process towards determining what climate actions will be undertaken here in Quesnel. As a community we need to continue the conversation and increase stakeholder involvement and participation in existing and novel ways.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, community engagement will look different for the present and near future, but all efforts will be made to hear from as many people as possible on how to move forward to meet our emissions reduction targets. At this time the City would like to hear your thoughts on Climate Change and the Action Plan that has been developed. We have developed a survey to collect your input, thoughts and suggestions. This survey will be active until January 29, 2021 with the goal of collecting as much feedback as possible to ensure the community voice is heard and reflected in the final document that will guide the Climate Action Plan implementation in 2021.

We also encourage citizens to contact Kyle Aben the Carbon Review Coordinator directly to discuss the climate plan or climate actions proposed:

Phone: 250-991-7449 



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