Friday, December 11, 2020

Special #CaribooRD Board Highlights - Dec 11th mtg

Meeting called to order - 10:41am

Meeting Agenda adopted, as amended (1 Late Item - Dir Forseth re: Letter to BC Utilities Commission)


1) Late Item from Dir. Forseth - BC Hydro rate increase for streetlights for LED light replacement program

Director S. Forseth (Electoral Area 'D') reported on this item
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved - That the agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Manager of Corporate Services/Deputy CAO, dated December 10, 2020, regarding a request from Director Forseth that a letter be forwarded to the BC Utilities Commission objecting to BC Hydro’s proposal to increase streetlighting rates and termination of its Private Outdoor Light System, be received.  Further, that the Board write to the BCUC expressing its’ strong objection to BC Hydro’s request to raise streetlight rates for its’ LED Streetlight Program as well as their request to terminate their “Private Outdoor Lighting” program and a copy of the Board’s letter be forwarded to the Regional District’s Member Municipalities requesting that they consider endorsing the Board’s letter in respect of this matter and a copy of the letter be forwarded to the Provincial Government and to all members of UBCM (Union of BC Municipalities)

2) Discussion on Use of COVID-19 Safe Restart Funds of $837,000 in the Cariboo Regional District

Reports from the CAO/CFO were presented to the Board 
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved -- That this item be referred back to Staff, minus the proposed $200,000 for the North Cariboo Recreation/Parks Service, to firm up details based on Board discussions and report back to the Finance/Budget Committee meeting on January 14th, 2021

The Board agreed to adjourn at 12:38pm

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