Monday, January 4, 2021

2021 Property Assessments Revealed

Update: Jan 4th, 2021 at 7:20am -- more information from BC Assessment Authority here

Original Blog Post:

Over the next number of days -- the BC Assessment Authority, a provincially established Crown Corporation will be delivering 2021 Property Assessments to property owners, both in incorporated (Cities, Town, Villages & Districts') and unincorporated communities (Electoral or Rural Areas) by regular mail via Canada Post or you can choose to have it delivered via email through ePost -- Canada Post's email delivery system.  Please note your 2021 Property Assessment is based on the real estate market, as of July 1st, 2020

Local Governments in BC (Municipal Councils' & Regional District Boards') use this information to establish their annual budgets... 

Quick links for what you need to know:

1) Your Property Assessment Notice and Annual Property Taxes -- click here 
2) Appealing Your Property Assessment for 2021 -- click here
3) Property Taxes Deferral Options for 2021 -- click here
4) 2021 Farm Status -- click here

Please note -- the deadline to file an appeal for your Property Assessment in 2021 is FEBRUARY 1ST, 2021.  Full details on appealing your 2021 property assessment can be found here

To discuss your individual property assessment situation in the Cariboo-Chilcotin and see what options are available, if you don't like your property assessment determination -- please call 1-866-825-8322 and BC Assessment Deputy Assessors for Northern BC will be happy to review your individual circumstances with you and your options available.... 

You are asked to contact BC Assessment by Friday, January 15th, 2021 if you have NOT received your 2021 Property Assessment in the mail by this date


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