Wednesday, January 20, 2021

CCRHD/Cariboo RD Board Highlights - Jan 15th mtg

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board Highlights

For an online version of the CCRHD Board meeting agenda, including agenda item summaries and reports please visit: CCRHD Board Agenda January 15, 2021

Election of CCRHD Chair and Vice-Chair for 2021

Director Bob Simpson was acclaimed as Chair of the CCRHD with Director Al Richmond acclaimed as Vice-Chair.


Penny Anguish, Chief Operating Officer, Northern Interior; Daryl Petsul, Health Services Administrator, Quesnel; and Mike Hoefer, Regional Director, Capital Planning & Support Services; joined the meeting via teleconference to provide an update on Northern Health Authority capital plans.

Bylaws for Consideration of 3 Readings and Adoption

CCRHD Capital Expenditure Bylaw No. 177, 2021 was given three readings and adopted. ($77,151 for Northern Health - InCare Project Phase 1).

Reports and Correspondence

11 items were received to the Hospital Board Consent Calendar. Visit the CCCRHD agenda to view the individual items (found in Section 5 - Reports and Correspondence).

IHA Capital Projects and Planning Status Report

The Interior Health Capital Projects and Planning Status Report, for November 2020, was received.

Cariboo Memorial Hospital Redevelopment Project

A news release from Interior Health, dated December 23, 2020, announcing a shortlist for a qualified design builder for the Cariboo Memorial Hospital Redevelopment Project, was received.

Interior Health Capital Funding Request

A capital funding request from Interior Health for the 2021/22 fiscal year was received with a recommendation for approval of funding totaling $844,120, with the necessary capital expenditure bylaws to be brought forward to the Board at its February 11, 2021 meeting for consideration of three readings and adoption.

Cariboo Regional District Board Highlights

For an online version of the CRD Board meeting agenda, including agenda item summaries and reports please visit: CRD Board Agenda January 15, 2021


Cathy McLeod, Member of Parliament for Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo gave an update via teleconference.

Planning Bylaws

Planning Bylaw 5288 (Area G) was given third reading.

Planning Bylaw 5250 (Area A Rural Land Use Amendment) was adopted.

Planning Bylaw 5286 (Area L Official Community Plan Amendment) and Planning Bylaw 5135 (Area L Zoning Amendment) were adopted.

Development Variance Permit Applications

The application for a Development Variance Permit pertaining to Lot 2, Section 24, Township 44, Lillooet District, Plan 26815 (Area E) was approved.

Agricultural Land Commission Applications

The Provincial Agricultural Land Commission application for subdivision within the Agricultural Land Reserve, pertaining to Lot A, District Lot 2959, Lillooet District, Plan 33492 (Area H), was received for submission to the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission with a recommendation for approval.

Development Services – Other Business

A motion recommending four properties for Notice on Title due to being in contravention of building bylaws was passed. See items 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4 of the meeting agenda for details.

Heritage Steering Committee Appointments

Graham Leslie, Elizabeth Hunter, George Atamanenko, Brent Rutherford, Robin Sharpe, Phyllis Webstad, and Jim Gibson were re-appointed for a two-year term ending December 31, 2022. 

Community Services

A proposal from the Horsefly Community Club for water system improvements at the Horsefly Community Hall, was received. A contribution of up to $5,545 for the project from the 2021 Community Hall Improvements envelope of the Community Works Fund was approved.

NDIT Application – Marketing Initiatives

The Cariboo Regional District’s application to Northern Development Initiative Trust’s Marketing Initiative Program for $20,000 in matching funding to market a regional economic development website, was received with the grant application to be submitted as attached to the meeting agenda.

Online-Viewing Cameras for Rec Centres

Approval was given for an application from the Cariboo Regional District to the COVID-19 Resiliency Infrastructure (CVRIS) grant program, for the installation of online-viewing cameras and audio systems at ice arenas in Quesnel, Williams Lake and 100 Mile House at an estimated total cost of $250,000. Further, that an application be submitted for the project to the CVRIS program and that the appropriate signatories be authorized to enter into the necessary contribution agreement should the grant application be successful.


The Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and Mastercard Summary Report for December 2020, in the amount of $2,710,015.09, was received and ratified.

A Grant for Assistance Application from the Charlotte Lake Landowners and Leaseholders Association requesting $1,000 to purchase an AED machine for the community of Charlotte Lake in Electoral Area J was received and approved.


An agenda item summary regarding submission of resolutions for the 2021 North Central Local Government Association’s Annual General Meeting and Convention, was received and approved with directors invited to bring resolutions forward for consideration.

A request from the City of Rossland for all BC municipalities to provide letters of support to the Premier, the Minister of Finance, Minister of Health and MLA for universal no-cost access to all prescription contraception available in BC under the Medical Services Plan, was received.

Board Reports and Correspondence

17 items were received to the Board Consent Calendar. Please see Section 12 of the agenda for a complete listing.

Committee/Commission Minutes and Recommendations

The minutes of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting, held November 25, 2020, were received and endorsed.

Six recommendations from the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting for grants for assistance were received and endorsed. See item 13.1.1 of the agenda for a list of the organizations and amounts brought forward for consideration.

The minutes of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting, held November 25, 2020, were received and endorsed.

A grant application to the NDIT Recreation Infrastructure program for trail-building on Fox Mountain by the Williams Lake Cycling Club was received and supported.

An agreement with the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society for service delivery and management of the Central Cariboo Arts Centre was received and renewed for a five year term, with the annual payment increasing from $102,000 in 2021 to $116,000 in 2025.

The minutes of the North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting held December 8, 2020 were received and endorsed.

A recommendation by the North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus that the CRD forward a letter to the Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development supporting funding in the 2021 and 2022 provincial budget for continuation of the goldfish removal project in Dragon Lake was received and endorsed.

A recommendation that the following four individuals be appointed to the North Cariboo Agricultural Development Advisory Committee was received and endorsed:

  • Martin Rossmann - Kersley Farmers Institute
  • Erin Durrell - ?Esdilagh First Nations
  • Desiree Stobbe - Quesnel Farmers' Market
  • Tim Lofstrom - Post-Secondary Education – CNC

The minutes of the Policy Committee meeting held December 9, 2020 were received.

The minutes of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting, held December 16, 2020, were received.

The minutes of the North Cariboo Joint Advisory Committee meeting, held January 12, 2021, were received.

A recommendation from the North Cariboo Joint Advisory Committee that a referendum date for the Quesnel & District Arts and Recreation Centre pool renovation project be set for June 19, 2021 was received and approved. Also approved was the project scope, estimated cost, and financing terms, along with a recommendation that staff prepare a communications plan for the proposed referendum. Staff will also prepare loan authorization and service establishment bylaws for Board consideration.

A recommendation by the North Cariboo Joint Advisory Committee to support hosting the BC Winter Games in Quesnel in 2024 or 2026 with a cash contribution of $55,000 and an in-kind contribution of $55,000 in the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks budget for the applicable year was received and approved, contingent on a successful bid.

Bylaws for Consideration of 3 Readings and Adoption

Six Security Issuing Bylaws regarding equipment purchases by CRD volunteer fire departments were received and approved. See Section 14 of the agenda for details.

Directors’ Requests, Reports, and Appointments

A request from Director Forseth that a letter be forwarded to the Minister of Finance requesting that the due date for 2021 Rural Property Taxes be extended to September 2, 2021 in light of the on-going COVID-19 challenges on personal finances for rural property owners, was received.

A request from Director Foresth for the CRD to consider hosting virtual public engagement events in 2021 due to the current BC Public Health Order prohibiting public attendance at meetings was received. A motion that staff provide a report to the Board regarding potential virtual engagement options was approved.

Chair Wagner’s committee and portfolio appointments for 2021 were presented for the Board’s information. Please see Item 15.4 of the agenda for a list of the appointments.

Chair and CAO Reports

Chair Margo Wagner’s report up to and including January 13, 2021 was received. A report by CAO John MacLean up to and including January 9, 2021 was also received.

Director’s Roundtable

A motion by Director Lebourdais to remove Tyler Huffman and add Dianna McQueen to Electoral Area F APC was received and endorsed. A motion by Director Kirby to appoint Chief Linda Price (Ulkatcho) to the Anahim Lake Airport Commission was received and endorsed.

Upcoming Meetings:

CCRHD & CRD Meetings: Thursday, February 11, 2021

See the full CCHRD and CRD agenda at

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