Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Committee of the Whole Highlights (WL Council) -- Jan 19th mtg


Mayor W. Cobb (Chair) and Councillors Boehm, Bonnell, Brenner, Nelson, Ryll and Smith (via Zoom)

Link to meeting video here

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:01pm.  The Chair acknowledged that the meeting was taking place on traditional Shuswap territory

Procedural Motion - Close Meeting to Public Attendance:

Resolved -- That members of the public are not permitted to physically attend the January 19, 2021 Committee of Whole Council meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the December 2nd Gathering and Events Public Health Officer Order. As per Ministerial Order No. M192 from the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, and, for the purposes of Division 3 of Part 4 of the Community Charter, the meeting is not to be considered closed to the public and will be livestreamed on the City’s YouTube Channel to ensure openness and transparency.

Meeting Agenda adopted

Delegations: - None


1) Williams Lake Community Foundation 

Alain LeFebvre, President of the Prince George Community Foundation, presented information to the Committee on the creation of a Community Foundation Fund or Retractable Fund for Williams Lake

A Question/Answer period ensued following the presentation
Discussion ensued...

The Chair thanked Mr. LeFebvre for his time/information

Resolved - That the Committee recommend:

Council receive this report and the presentation from the Prince George Community Foundation for information and Council endorse-in-principle the creation of a Williams Lake Community Foundation and Staff report back on next steps...

2) Unlicensed vs Licensed Daycamp Report

A report from the Director of Community Services was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved - That the Committee recommend:

Council receive the report of the Director of Community Services regarding Unlicensed and Licensed options for the Recreation Daycamp program and Staff be directed to operate both in 2021 

3) Phase 2 Airport Terminal Upgrade - Direct Award

A report from the Manager of Public Works was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued ... 

Resolved - That the Committee recommend:

Council approve the Purchasing Policy to be waived, and that Phase 2 of the Airport Terminal Upgrade be sole sourced and awarded to OT Timber Frames for $ 158,000.00. This is phase 2 of planned upgrades, with an NDIT grant for $ 125,000 and City portion of $ 53,570.00 from Airport Reserves, Council Resolution 19/20. Remainder of $ 20,571.43 ($ 178,571.43 from $ 155,000.00) will be used for interior passenger upgrades, i.e. furniture and charging stations

4) 2021 Fee-for-Service Request - Community Policing

A report from the Chief Financial Officer was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued

Resolved - That the Committee recommend:

Council receive the report of the Chief Financial Officer and Council enter into a 1 year Fee for Service Agreement with the Williams Lake Community Policing Committee with a City of Williams Lake contribution of $21,000 and that a Business Plan be provided by the Williams Lake Community Policing Committee before the funds are dispersed by the City 

5) Potential Updates to Council Procedure Bylaw

A report from the Corporate Officer was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued

Resolved - That the Committee recommend:

Council receive the report of the Corporate Officer, dated January 11th, 2021 and endorse all 8 recommendations, as contained in the report from the Corporate Officer... 

6) Discussion Item -- Local COVID-19 community data

The Chair (Mayor Cobb) reported on this item
Discussion ensued ... 

Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA L. Doerksen then appeared before the Committee 
Further discussion ensued ... 

No resolution resulted from the discussion

The Committee adjourned at 8:15pm

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