Saturday, January 30, 2021

New Appointees to CleanBC Climate Council

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

The Province will be appointing three new members to the independent Climate Solutions Council to provide advice to government on meeting B.C.’s climate and clean economy goals through CleanBC programs and actions.

“I want to thank the incoming members of the Climate Solutions Council, who bring strong skills and experience to support their commitment to building a cleaner, stronger future for everyone in B.C.,” said the Hon. George Heyman, BC's Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. “I’d also like to thank outgoing members for their major contributions and the expertise they brought to the council. Their efforts and willingness to collaborate strengthened our CleanBC plan as we work to combat climate change and build a more resilient and sustainable economy.”

New Council members will include Toni Boot, mayor, Summerland; Arjun Singh, city councillor, Kamloops; and Scott Maloney, vice-president of environment, Teck Resources Limited. Outgoing council members include Josie Osborne, former mayor of Tofino and now minister of municipal affairs; Tom Syer, vice-president of stakeholder relations, TC Energy; and Lee Brain, mayor, Prince Rupert.

“The Climate Solutions Council welcomes our newest members. They bring important perspectives to our discussions on quickly moving to a clean and competitive economy,” said Colleen Giroux-Schmidt, co-chair, B.C.’s Climate Solutions Council, and vice-president of corporate relations, Innergex Renewable Energy Inc. “We look forward to continuing our work to help address climate change and providing strong, independent advice to government on meeting our climate goals.”

British Columbia’s Climate Solutions Council provides advice to government on actions and policies that can contribute to carbon pollution reductions and sustainable economic development. The council includes members from First Nations, environmental organizations, industry, academia, youth, labour and local government.

CleanBC is a pathway to a more prosperous, balanced and sustainable future. It supports government’s commitment to climate action to meet B.C.’s emission targets and build a cleaner, stronger economy for everyone.

Learn More:

To learn more about the Climate Solutions Council, visit:  

To learn more about CleanBC, visit:

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