Thursday, January 28, 2021

Quesnel Council Highlights - Jan 26th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

South Quesnel Business Improvement Area

Council provided the first and second bylaw readings for the City of Quesnel South Quesnel Business Improvement Area Bylaw 1899 (“Bylaw”).  By passing first and second readings of this Bylaw, Council has given approval of the South Quesnel Downtown Business Association’s (“SQBIA”) proposed budget and proposed plans for 2021 and 2022. 

City staff will mail out to all of the businesses located within the SQBIA’s boundary, the SQBIA’s proposed 2021 and 2022 budgets/plans, along with an estimate of each business’s costs of the proposed Bylaw levy, and instructions for the petition process.  Any SQBIA business opposing the continuation of the SQBIA will have 30 days to notify City Hall of their opposition against Bylaw 1899, once the mail out packages have been received by the SQBIA businesses.

District Energy System Feasibility Study

Council approved City staff to submit a grant application to assist in funding a Thermal Energy District Energy System Feasibility Study for the City of Quesnel (“Study). 

In January 2020, an investigation into a City-owned District Energy System (“DES”) for the downtown core (with the possibility of a future expansion) was initiated by the City and West Fraser as the project partner.  The proposed DES would not require any increase in fiber or biomass burning by West Fraser, would focus on waste heat already available through production, and would utilize new heat pump technology to upgrade this heat to a usable and stable source to supply the DES.  The proposed DES would assist the City in meeting both its reduced emission targets by reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20% for the City of Quesnel community footprint (heating), as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 29% for the City’s corporate operations (heating/hot water).

Quesnel Regional Airport - Hangar Lease

Council approved a five-year agreement for the lease of approximately 5,600 square metres of land at the Quesnel Regional Airport, and transfer of ownership of the hangar located on the lands, that was previously leased to Westside Logging Ltd., to Jerry and Barb van Halderen.

City Hall - Office Space Lease

Council approved a lease for approximately 1254 square feet of office space on the forth floor of the City Hall building with the Cariboo-North MLA whereby the termination period coincides with the next Provincial election.

Quesnel Regional Airport - Strategic Plan

Council approved the 2021-2022 Strategic Plan for the Quesnel Regional Airport (“Airport”).  The key items found in this Strategic Plan are:

  • Develop Business case for Fixed Based Operations including a second fuel station
  • Subdivide property for lease or sale
  • Attract fight school, charter flights, helicopter businesses, light industry
  • Existing tenant expansion
  • Revise policies, practices, pricing and services

Quesnel Municipal Landfill – Outcomes and Planning

Council received an update of the progress made in the last year with regard to the implementation of the Quesnel Municipal Landfill Strategic Plan, and discussed future solid waste management goals, such as organics diversion and zero waste initiatives.


  • Bylaw 1901 – Multi-Unit Housing Incentives – Final Adoption
  • Bylaw 1899 – South Quesnel Business Improvement Area – First and Second Readings

Next Council Meeting

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