Friday, January 1, 2021

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar - December 2020

In the month of December 2020 -- I attended the following meetings or events:

* December 2nd -- December 2020 meeting of the McLeese Lake Recreation Commission

* December 3rd - Central Cariboo Housing Needs Workshop with Central Cariboo CRD Rural Directors/WL City Council 

* December 4th -- Meetings of the Cariboo Regional District/Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Boards' 

* December 8th -- Meeting of the CCACS (Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Society) Board of Directors', in my capacity as Central Cariboo CRD Director Liaison 

* December 11th -- Special Meetings of the Cariboo Regional District/Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Boards' 

* December 14th -- Chaired a special meeting of the NCLGA (North Central Local Gov't Association) Governance Committee

* December 16th - Special Meeting of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee (receive presentation of possibility of Jr A Hockey Team coming to Williams Lake)

* December 17th -- Virtual Briefing on progress on the Regional District's Broadband/Cell Strategy Development

In addition to the above -- responded to inquiries via social media, phone/text or email from Area D residents', participated in bi-monthly meetings of the NCLGA Executive Committee... 

As for expenses submitted in the month of December 2020:

* Dec 4th - Meetings of the CRD/CCRHD Boards -- $206

* Dec 11th -- Special Meetings of the Cariboo Regional District/Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Boards'  -- $206

* Dec 16th -- Special Meeting of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee -- $83


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