Monday, January 11, 2021

Water Main Break - Hodgson Road - 3pm, Jan 11th,2021 Update

 Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

A water main break was identified on Hodgson Road near the truck wash station and Wotzke Drive intersection on Jan 10, 2021

This water break interferes with filling Woodland Drive reservoir and affected properties include customers in the Westridge and Golf Course sub-divisions, Terra Ridge and along Wotzke Drive and Hodgson Road.

Crews identified and repaired a break this afternoon. Upon re-pressuring the main a second break was discovered.

Currently, the City asks affected areas to limit their water use to personal hygiene and cooking only. Crews will continue to work on this second break but are unable to ensure it will be repaired today. Limiting water use will assist the Woodland Drive reservoir to continue to provide some water to affected areas. Some properties in higher areas may be already experiencing lower or no water pressure.

We apologize for this service interruption and we are working toward a solution.

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